Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The three British Muslims filmed themselves as they prepared for a terrorist attack, a court was told yesterday.
They also recorded themselves crawling on their bellies through piles of leaves in a town centre park for a military-style training video, it was alleged.
Abbas Iqbal (right) with brother Ilyas

Weapons: The trio - including Abbas Iqbal (right) and brother Ilyas - are said to have called themselves 'The Blackburn Resistance'

Abbas Iqbal in another video clip shown to the jury, which was told the footage showed a group 'intoxicated by the evil of terrorism'

Abbas Iqbal in another video clip shown to the jury, which was told the footage showed a group 'intoxicated by the evil of terrorism'

The prosecution claimed that while the footage might appear 'almostcomical in its amateurishness', in reality it showed a group'intoxicated by the evil of terrorism'.

Abbas Iqbal

Accused: Among other charges, Abbas Iqbal denies dissemination of terrorist publications

Styling themselves the Blackburn Resistance, the trio filmedthemselves imitating Al Qaeda-style propaganda in broad daylight in theLancashire town's Corporation Park.

One is shown apparently carrying a rifle as he executes a 'leopard crawl' beneath a clump of trees.

Along with another man, he then dashes across a track before appearing to aim his weapon at an imaginary enemy.

Yesterday the video was shown as part of the men's trial.

Edward Brown QC, prosecuting, told the jury: 'Some aspects ofthe material may at first blush seem almost comical in itsamateurishness, but when you recall their purpose it is less funny.'

At first sight it might look like 'a group of young menlarking around in a park in Blackburn', he added. But, he claimed, themen were in the process of educating themselves about guerilla warfarewith the intention of engaging in terrorist activity.

The images were found on a mobile phone memory card hidden in24-year-old Abbas Iqbal's suitcase when he was arrested at ManchesterAirport in August 2008, the court has heard.

Also found were video clips of the trio holding and firingweapons while shouting 'Allahu Akbar' (God is Great) in a backyard,along with photos of them in camouflage clothing and carrying weaponsas well as images of terrorist leaders including Osama Bin Laden.

Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Abbas Iqbal and brother Ilyas

Allegations: (Left to right) Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Abbas Iqbal and brother Ilyas are claimed to have been 'intoxicated by the evil of terrorism' and were imitating Al Qaeda propaganda

Ilyas Iqbal holding a gun

Ilyas Iqbal: The jury was told the three men had set about teaching themselves about guerrilla warfare

Police later recovered a camcorder video tape from his home inBlackburn which showed Iqbal holding a young boy and raising a macheteover his head in 'joking' fashion, saying he hoped one day to take anon-believer's 'head off'.

A weapons cabinet was also found, the court heard.

 Mohanmmed Ali Ahmed holding a knife
Ilyas Iqbal

Mohammed Ali Ahmed and Ilyas Iqbal were said by the prosecution to have 'developed extreme Islamist beliefs'

A picture depicting the words: The Blackburn Resistance

Mr Brown told Manchester Crown Court that Iqbal filmed the parkfootage - featuring his brother Ilyas and a third man - intending totake it abroad to spread their violent ideology.

He concluded: 'The prosecution say that as the BlackburnResistance, the three defendants were acting together with theirarmoury or training equipment and with the information they hadgathered, readying themselves for active preparation in the jihad,probably abroad.'

Abbas Iqbal denies dissemination of terrorist publications,preparation for terrorism acts and possession of a document likely tobe useful to a terrorist.

Ilyas Iqbal, 23, also of Blackburn, denies preparation forterrorism acts and two counts of possession of a document likely to beuseful to a terrorist. White Muslim convert Muhammed Ahmed, 26, deniesthe preparation for acts of terrorism.

The case continues.

A man crawls through the undergrowth

Scenes: The movie also allegedly shows two of the group practising combat crawling in Corporation Park, Blackburn

Somali mother of four has no right to live here... but we have to give her a council house

Standing proudly with her arm draped over her 36in television, this is the Somali woman who must be given a council house even though she has no right to live in Britain.

Nimco Hassan Ibrahim - who lives with her four children on benefit handouts - was granted the right to the home by EU judges yesterday because she was once married to a Danish citizen who briefly worked in this country.

  1. The landmark judgment means the 34-year-old migrant and her children will soon be packing up their impressive collection of furniture and electrical equipment when they are given a new house.

Although Miss Ibrahim claims her income support payments were suspended during the legal action, she has somehow bought a Playstation 3 games console, computer and a high-quality speaker system.

The benefits cheats who move abroad but still cost us millions

Equally impressive is the enormous sofa from which she watches TV each night. Lying on the floor in her lounge are some of the latest film releases - including a pirate DVD copy of the sci-fi movie Avatar.

And although she lives in a temporary accommodation in Harrow, Middlesex - funded by the local council - she has managed to install a high-speed internet connection.

Speaking to the Daily Mail last night, Mrs Ibrahim said: 'I deserve to be given a proper house. This one is too small for all of us.

'I don't think it's fair that the council has put us up in temporary accommodation. It's not right that they have hounded us for four years. All these threats of eviction have made me feel very ill.

'The law says that I can get a better house so I'm looking forward to a better life.

'I have suffered psychological problems because of all this.

'To be honest, I was expecting the worst from the court and I'm relieved it has ended. Now I can enjoy my life.'

Mrs Ibrahim does not work and spends her day looking after her children Abdirahman, 12, Abdifatah, 10, Deka, eight, and Mustapha, four. She refused to reveal how she could afford her electrical goods and furniture.

The landmark EU judgment opens the door for hundreds of thousands of unemployed foreigners to claim both state benefits and council or housing association homes.

In particular, it means migrant families from Poland and other Eastern European countries will for the first time have a right to council housing and state benefits even if they have worked for only a brief period in Britain.

It comes at a time of heavy demand for council housing from hard-pressed British families - and as ministers have been promising families in disaffected Labour heartlands that local people will have first call on council homes.

Monday, February 22, 2010

British Schoolboy Attacked and Stomped by Muslim Gang...

An Oldham teenager has spoken of his shock after being attacked on the way home from school.

Hulme Grammar School pupil Sean McBrien was jumped from behind by three men.

The 15-year-old was pushed to the ground before being repeatedly kicked in the head causing a black eye, bruising and embedding a tooth into his gum. He needed medical treatment for his injuries.

"It was completely unprovoked and I can’t understand why anyone would do something like that," he said.

"They just kept kicking my head over and over. I didn’t see much of them but they were older than me. It just doesn’t make any sense and I’ve never had any trouble like this."

Sean, who lives in Chadderton, had been walking down an alleyway behind houses on Windsor Road, when he was attacked shortly before 4pm last Friday.

The route is regularly used by school pupils as a shortcut to nearby shops. Sean’s friends had just left him for their bus but rushed back when they heard his shouts.

"All I could do was scream out so I did," said the straight-A pupil.

"My friends heard and turned to see me on the floor.

"They were just frozen and couldn’t believe what was happening.

"It was over pretty quickly and the men ran away. I’m just grateful my friends heard me and came back to help me."

Speaking from the family home on St George’s Square, Sean’s distraught mum Leanne said: "It’s just sickening and crazy. To think they were older than him is even worse.

There were a group of grown men and we just can’t understand why they would target a schoolboy.

"We’ve never had any trouble like this before and can’t see any reasoning behind it."

Dad Vincent added: "There are always lots of children and parents around and at that time and you wouldn’t think something like this could happen in broad daylight.

"We’re just so surprised that these men are out there looking for school children to attack.
"It doesn’t make any sense as they didn’t even take anything.

"We’re thankful as it could’ve been a lot worse but we’re worried for all the other children.

"There is just no explanation for it and it’s just disgraceful. Those men should be ashamed of themselves to pick on such a young school boy."

Despite his injuries Sean has already returned to school so as not to disrupt his GCSE studies.

Hulme principal Dr Paul Neeson said: "The incident was reported to the police who responded very quickly and their investigation continues.

"Pupils have been reminded to take care with regard to their personal safety."

The attackers are all described as Asian men in their 20s and were wearing dark clothing.

The police are currently investigating the incident and appealing to any witnesses to come forward.

Once again we find more violence and crime by followers of the Religion of Peace who continue their ruthless, racist attacks against lone, and often young, victims.

These typical cowardly muslim thugs only find 'courage' when they are acting like a pack of animals against a lone victim. This time the victim was 15 year old Hulme Grammar School pupil, Sean McBrien, who was jumped from behind by three "Asian" men in what was a "completely unprovoked attack". These three (sorry excuses for) adult men "repeatedly kicked [Sean] in the head causing a black eye, bruising and embedding a tooth into his gum. He needed medical treatment for his injuries."

Plans to Build Mosque Overlooking British Military Base...

Generals are trying to block plans to build a mosque with two 100ft minarets next to Sandhurst.

The £3million building would have a clear view over the military academy and is just 400 yards from its parade ground.

Objection: The MoD, backed by a petition signed by 7,000 local residents, is fighting plans to build a giant mosque overlooking Sandhurst

Yesterday an Army source said: 'This has gone right to the top of the chain of command.

'There is very real concern that if this thing gets built then soldiers could be put at risk.

'It is outrageous to even think that the officers of the future would have to watch their backs while they are still in training.'

Hundreds of newly-commissioned Army officers take to the parade ground each year for the academy's passing out ceremony.

The event attracts senior members of the Royal Family, including the Queen when her grandson Prince Harry was commissioned in 2006.

Security threat: The Queen and other senior members of the royal family are regular visitors to Sandhurst

The gigantic mosque is the idea of the Bengali Welfare Association, which worships at the al-Kharafi Islamic Centre in Camberley, Surrey.

The group wants to demolish a listed Victorian school building in use as a mosque at the centre and replace it with a sprawling Saudi Arabian-style building.

Planning papers reveal that the massive structure would tower over local buildings.

As well as the two minarets, it would feature a large central dome, five smaller outlying domes, a morgue, a library and a separate worship area for women.

The first attempt at securing planning approval led to objections from 1,000 locals. Planning officers were also opposed but Conservative-dominated Surrey Heath gave the mosque the go-ahead last month.

However, a procedural error means the application now needs to go to a full council meeting for approval.

And the Ministry of Defence - which initially had no objections - has its mind to insist that the minarets are not built.

Local MEP Nigel Farage of UKIP, who is battling the plans, said: 'I am appalled that a local council can totally ignore the wishes of the overwhelming majority of the electorate of Camberley and overturn the recommendations of planning officers.

'This building is quite simply inappropriate and gives rise to genuine security concerns.

'I know that senior military officers are extremely concerned about this. It simply cannot be allowed to go ahead.'

Alan Kirkland, a local campaigner, said: 'Local people are simply flabbergasted that 100ft high minarets can be built right next to the Royal Military Academy.

'There is obviously a security risk and there is no way that it should be built.'

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said: 'Defence Estates has objected to the plans as such a tall building would give oversight into Defence property which could prove a security risk.'

Saudi doctor who failed to spot Baby P's injuries is 'unfit to attend disciplinary hearing' and flees Britain in suicidal state

A doctor accused of failing to spot that Baby Peter was suffering abuse days before his death is 'suicidal' and unfit to appear before a disciplinary hearing, the General Medical Council heard today.

Saudi-born consultant paediatrician Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat was due to face misconduct allegations at a GMC fitness to practise panel in central London this morning.
But the hearing was halted after being told that her mental health had 'broken down' and she has left the country.

Dr Sabah Al-Zayyat, left, who is accused of failing to spot that Baby Peter was suffering abuse days before his death is 'suicidal and unfit to appear before a disciplinary hearing'
Counsel for the GMC, Rebecca Poulet QC, said she received a report last night from a doctor who had examined Dr Al-Zayyat.

The consultant psychiatrist wrote: 'In my opinion, Dr Al-Zayyat has become so seriously ill that she is unfit to defend herself before a public hearing and unfit to instruct her solicitors.

'The pressure on her has been such that her mental health has broken down completely, and the possibility of suicide is a very real one.'

Dr Al-Zayyat issued a short statement through the Medical Protection Society, which is representing her at the GMC hearing.

She said: 'In my 28 years as a paediatrician I have been devoted to the care of children and have always tried to do my best for them.

'I have been and remain deeply affected by the shocking and tragic circumstances of Baby Peter's death.

'It would be inappropriate for me to comment any further until the hearing concludes.'

GMC panel chairman Ralph Bergmann adjourned the hearing until 9.30am on Wednesday so an independent expert for the GMC could consider Dr Al-Zayyat's psychiatric reports.

St Ann's Hospital in Tottenham, where Baby P was brought two days before his death, was criticised for not employing enough consultants

Mary O'Rourke QC, for Dr Al-Zayyat, said her instructing solicitor was told this morning that the doctor was no longer in the UK.

Ms O'Rourke said that, in the light of the psychiatrist's diagnosis, she considered herself to be without legal instructions from Dr Al-Zayyat.

She told the panel: 'Our position, so far as today is concerned, is we do not believe we can do more than lay the medical evidence before you.'

Dr Al-Zayyat saw Baby Peter - who can now be named as Peter Connelly - at a child development clinic at St Ann's Hospital in Tottenham, north London, on August 1 2007.

But she missed his injuries after deciding she could not carry out a full check-up because he was 'miserable and cranky'.

Two days later, 17-month-old Peter died in a blood-spattered cot in Haringey, north London, at the hands of his mother, her boyfriend and their lodger.

A post-mortem examination found he had probably suffered serious injuries, including a broken back and fractured ribs, before he was examined by Dr Al-Zayyat.

The doctor, who qualified in Pakistan and worked in Saudi Arabia before coming to Britain in 2004, was suspended from practice by the GMC in November 2008.

The GMC announced earlier this month that she was facing misconduct allegations over her treatment of Peter.

She is accused of knowing he was on the child protection register but failing to carry out an adequate examination, failing to investigate the explanation offered for his injuries and failing to record whether she considered the possibility that he was the victim of child abuse.

It is also alleged that Dr Al-Zayyat failed to diagnose that Peter had suffered physical abuse, possible neglect and emotional abuse, and did not arrange for him to be admitted to hospital.

She is also alleged to have applied for a job in Ireland without telling her prospective employers she had been suspended over the tragedy.

Dr Al-Zayyat had her contract with Great Ormond Street Hospital terminated after details of the Baby Peter case came to light.

She has since launched a claim for damages against the world-famous children's hospital over her dismissal.

A report by health regulator the Care Quality Commission last May criticised staffing levels at St Ann's.

Dr Al-Zayyat had no contact with Peter's social worker before or after the appointment and was given no details about the child's previous hospital admissions, the commission noted.

She was one of only two consultants at the specialist children's clinic at St Ann's, when there should have been four.

Peter suffered 50 injuries despite receiving 60 visits from social workers, doctors and police over the final eight months of his life.

His mother, Tracey Connelly, her boyfriend, Steven Barker, and his brother, Jason Owen, were jailed at the Old Bailey last May for causing or allowing his death.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


A CONTROVERSIAL scheme to build arches in the shape of Muslim headscarves has been labelled as a “waste of money” by angry residents.

As part of a cultural trail along Brick Lane, famous for its door-to-door curry houses, bars, nightclubs and art galleries, several gates in the shape of hijabs could be built at entrances to the street, in London’s East End.

However, the £1.8 million scheme has been branded as offensive to Muslim women and a waste of taxpayers’ money.

And the local authority, Tower Hamlets, has been accused of inflaming racial tensions by trying to force the plans through without a proper consultation.

One Muslim woman told the council the stainless steel, illuminated arches “create a stereotypical image of Islam”.Another hijab wearer said the project was a “huge waste of money” and a “tool of aggravation”.

Brick Lane lent its name to Monica Ali’s best-selling novel, which was later adapted to the big screen.

And the area now has many celebrity residents, including artist Tracy Emin, who has objected to the plans.

In a letter to the council, she wrote: “I am shocked to learn that the scheme is budgeted at £2million and I strongly feel that rubbish collections, vermin control, education and improved policing are more important to resolve.”

Following the outcry, the council pushed back the deadline for comments to February 22.

A council spokeswoman said the idea of the arch was “loosely based on the sculptural form of a headscarf, reflecting the many cultural backgrounds that have occupied and sought refuge in and around Brick Lane over the centuries”.

British Islamic supremacist Anjem Chaudary: Freedom and democracy must be destroyed and replaced with obedience to Allah

One thing you can say about Chaudary: he is honest, where some of his slicker coreligionists who share his goals dissemble about them. "British Islamist Anjem Choudary: Freedom and Democracy Are Idols That Must Be Destroyed and Replaced with Obedience to Allah," from MEMRITV,

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

'Britain's Underworld Belongs to Muslims'...

IN traditional Islamic headgear, Asian ex-gang member Amir poses with his sword and issues the stark warning: "Britain's underworld belongs to the Muslims."

The 21-year-old, whose organisation turned over thousands of pounds a day from drug-dealing and credit card scams, claims a post-9/11 fear of terrorism has allowed Muslims to develop a stranglehold on our criminal community.

Through Islam, he says, they have numbers which cannot be matched, and rival gangs are being forced out by ruthless Islamic criminals who only deal with each other.

They recruit black and white members in Britain's jails, tempting them to convert to Islam in exchange for a cushier life inside.

Once released, the converted cons have access to an entirely new network of Muslim criminal contacts - and are trusted because they pray to Allah.

Amir claims that Britain's underworld will soon be completely dominated by Islamic gangs - and he says the West's paranoia over terrorism is to blame. "People don't f*** with us because they think we're all in al-Qaeda," he explains.

"Our status in the criminal hierarchy changed literally the day the Twin Towers went down.
"From then, Asians have been associated with terrorism. People, including other criminals, think if you're Asian you'll blow up a Tube train or bomb an aeroplane.

"In the past 20 years we've capitalised on that. If we're going to be thought of as extremists, why not use that fear?

"The reality is that Asian gangs don't give much of toss about religion, but with Islam comes fear, and with fear comes power.

Strangehold ... Amir poses with sword as he tells of power of Asian gangs on British underworld
"Religion is important to us only as a way of defining who we can trust and who we can work with."

Amir adds: "Young Muslim gangs aren't worried about what Allah makes of their criminal ways - they don't believe in it to that extent.

"Through religion we speak the same language, live in the same areas, go to the same schools and can even use mosques as a safe place away from the police or other gangs.

If you f*** with a Muslim gang you'd better be able to run fast or hide well, because they will come back at you in numbers."

You do not have to look far to find an example of this.

In 2007 white schoolboy Henry Webster was beaten with a hammer by a huge gang of Asian pupils calling themselves the Asian Invasion. The 15-year-old pupil at the Ridgeway School in Wroughton, Wilts, was left brain-damaged.

Since then, it has been said in court that the school was the scene of numerous violent incidents involving Asian youths who were "radicalised and hostile" since the 2005 London bombings.

And in March last year, Judge Giles Forrester warned that London's streets are becoming "increasingly dangerous places" as he jailed an Asian gang for stabbing to death rival black gang member Jevon Henry, 18, in north London.

Jevon Henry and a pal had been trying to extort money from drug dealer Muhid Abdul, 25.
The pair were ambushed on the Lisson Green estate by Abdul and four accomplices. Abdul stabbed Henry, while pal Toufajul Miah, 19, hit him with a hammer.

Amir claims another motive for his own choice of weapon. He says: "We carry swords for protection. I've had to use mine more than once.

"Problem is, these days nobody fights on their own. You'll get attacked by a whole gang, so you have to have something like this to stop people messing.

"Some people do carry guns, but very rarely. The police constantly stop and search young Asians in London and I'd rather get caught with this than a gun because the punishment is less."
The Sun discovered that most of Britain's prisons are dominated by Muslim gangs.

We spoke to a former prisoner we will refer to only as Steven, who was repeatedly approached by prison imams - Muslim priests - and asked to convert. Steven, who is British-born and white, rejected the approaches.

He says: "When I went inside the Muslims offered me help from top lawyers on the outside who would fight to get my sentence changed, if I joined them.

"I always resisted, but you have to understand how tempting it is to convert. First, you have their protection. You're totally alone in prison when you get there, and if you can't look after yourself life is hell. You're beaten, robbed and bullied.

"Second, every Friday Muslims are allowed prayer meetings. This is free time away from the guards, so they can plot, make new contacts and often discuss anti-West ideology.

"Muslims also get better food. They have money sent in for their kitchens from the Muslim community outside, and they get special Halal dishes stipulated by Islam.

"Then, when a converted prisoner finishes his time, he leaves as an even bigger criminal with an entirely new contact book of Muslim criminals to do business with."

'To avoid a life of hell you join a gang' ... Amir says recruitment to Asian criminal groups starts early
Steven, who has spent time in eight prisons, adds: "Where the Muslim gangs come into their own is shifting drugs. If a white gang from London buys a kilo of coke, they then have to sell it.

"You can only sell your gear if you have contacts. The white gang will only know a few people in their area and won't trust or be trusted by other gangs. They won't deal with Eastern European, black or Asian gangs.

"But the Muslim network is vast and stretches up and down the UK, so they can shift drugs extremely quickly. That makes the money-making potential of a Muslim gang a hundred times that of a British or European gang."

Drug-dealing and credit card fraud are the areas in which London-based Asian gangs are most active. In fact, some dealers get so busy that even their mobile phone SIM cards become a commodity.

Steven says: "A drug gang's number can be worth hundreds of thousands. Say they have 100 punters phoning that number every day asking for a fix - that means thousands of pounds of business.

"The SIM card of that phone can be sold to another gang because the junkies who phone don't give a s**t who is dropping off their crack or smack, they'll just keep calling.

"I've heard of SIM cards selling for up to £250,000."

According to Amir, Asian gangs start early. He says: "If you go to school in an ethnic area you either join a gang or end up bullied, in some cases to the point of being killed.

"So to avoid a life of hell a kid joins a gang. Once you're in, life is easy - no more beatings, people to talk to, stuff to do.

"After school you graduate into more serious gang activity. You've got no qualifications because you've spent your school years resisting authority, and suddenly you need to make money.

"A boss can make up to £8,000 a day running a gang of 40 workers drug-dealing or scamming credit cards, and a worker can make £1,000.

"With the police getting more intelligent and busting people more, money is getting harder to make.

"Ten years ago, Asian gangs would go to war with Yardies and white gangs. But now, we've got London all sewn up, so the only people we end up warring with is each other.

"We have no one to compete with other than our own people, so Muslim gangs are starting to fight.

"Muslims have this country under control. Nobody can touch us."

Single mother-of-six finds £2m mansion on the net... and then gets YOU to pay £7,000 a month rent

A single mother-of-six is getting more than £80,000 a year from the taxpayer to live in a £2million mansion in an exclusive London suburb.

Essma Marjam, 34, is given almost £7,000 a month in housing benefits to pay the rent on the five-bedroom villa just yards from Sir Paul McCartney's house and Lord's cricket ground.

She also receives an estimated £15,000 a year in other payouts, such as child benefit, to help look after her children, aged from five months to 14.

Essma Marjam with one of her six children pictured outside the house in Maida Vale, central London, which costs taxpayers almost £7,000 a month

The four-storey house in Maida Vale has five bedrooms, two bathrooms, a double living room, large fitted kitchen-diner with French doors on to the landscaped garden and a state-of-the art buzzer entry system.

Astonishingly, it is understood Miss Marjam found the house on the internet through a private letting agency, rather than waiting for Westminster council to give her a vacant property on their books.

She then applied to the council for the £1,600-a-week benefit - the maximum amount the council allows.

Miss Marjam said: 'I moved here at the beginning of the month as I'm entitled to a five-bedroom house.

'I was in a three-bedroom council house but I needed a bigger place once my new baby came along. So the council agreed to pay the £1,600 a week to a private landlord as they didn't have any houses big enough.

'I'm separated from my husband. He's a solicitor in Derby, but I don't know if he's working at the moment. He doesn't pay anything towards the kids. Things are quite difficult between us.

'The house is lovely and very big, but I don't have enough furniture to fill it.'

Mrs Marjam's new home is yards from Sir Paul McCartney's house

She does, however, have two large flat-screen televisions and several leather sofas, plus a large amount of children's toys scattered over the wooden floorboards.

During the week, vans from Argos and other home stores dropped off large purchases.
Miss Marjam does not work, as she spends all day looking after her children - Zekia, 14, Abdulhakim, 13, Jihad, 11, Hamza, ten, Ayman, two, and five-month-old Nasir.

The four eldest have the surname Benjamin, while the two youngest have the surname Khan.

Labour's controversial Local Housing Allowance enables council tenants to receive such high benefits to pay private landlords.

The maximum that can be claimed is set by central government and the allowances can be huge, leaving the taxpayer to foot the bill.

The Daily Mail has highlighted other outrageous examples, such as the single mother of eight receiving £90,000 a year to live in a £2.6million Notting Hill mansion.

Taxpayers are also picking up the £6,400-a-month bill to house Nasra Warsame, her seven children and her elderly mother in central London, with Westminster council also providing Mrs Warsame's husband and their eighth child with a two-bedroom flat nearby.

In total, 16 families are living in million-pound-plus London properties funded by the Local Housing Allowance.

Phillipa Roe, a Westminster councillor, said: 'We would like to see the entire system changed as the current rules are wrong and do not offer taxpayers value for money.

'We want to have more control to limit the amount of money which is paid out. Local councils are far better placed to determine benefit levels than ministers in Whitehall who won't know the facts on the ground.

'The Government has repeatedly pledged to reform housing benefit but failed to do so. The whole system needs a radical review and ministers should stop dragging their heels and get on and do it.'

A Department for Work and Pensions spokesman said: 'It is not right that in London high rents have been able to distort the system, resulting in a small number of people getting excessively high payments.

'We took immediate action and capped the Local Housing Allowance in April.

The plans we published in December go even further and will exclude high rents from LHA rate calculations.

'Only a very small minority of people receive such high rates of housing benefit. The average payment is £81 a week.'

Mother Investigated for Murdering 3-Year-Old Girl...

Police made the grim discovery after being called to the terraced property in Erdington, on Saturday evening.

West Midlands Police said a pathologist had not yet been able to confirm how the youngster died.

A woman in her 20s, believed to be the girl’s mother, was arrested on suspicion of murder and was last night being quizzed by detectives who had been granted further time to hold her.

It is understood police found a toxic substance in the house and tests were underway to see if it was connected to the girl’s death.

Residents reported seeing firefighters in protective gear at the property, possibly to make it safe for forensic experts to search the scene for evidence.

It is thought the child, who has not been named, died a short time before being discovered on Saturday when the alarm was raised.

Shocked neighbours said the body of the child was brought out of the house on Sunday evening, some 24 hours after being discovered.

“You could tell it was a child and it’s ever so sad,” said one neighbour, who asked not to be named.

Another said hardened police officers emerging from the house looked “shocked”.

A police forensics tent, erected after the discovery was made at 5.30pm, remained outside the house on the tree-lined Milverton Road yesterday while a single officer stood guard. A solitary bunch of flowers was laid outside the house with the simple message: “Rest in peace little angel.”

A Home Office pathologist spent most of yesterday conducting a detailed post-mortem examination to determine a cause of death, however the results proved “unascertained” pending further toxicology and forensic tests.

Neighbours said they believed the girl’s mother was either Somalian or Ethiopian. Helen Gilfoyle, a 42-year-old teacher who lives a few doors away, said: “She was a lovely happy little girl with braids in her hair.

Every now and again she would see my cat in the front garden and chase after him, but always in a very playful way.

I used to see them going up the road most days and they seemed like a normal mother and daughter.

“We’re very sad to hear something terrible has happened to such a lovely little thing. There were firemen in blue protective suits going in and out for about two days.”

Locals said they believed the pair lived alone but often had visits from a man in a sports car.

David Crookes, 59, an unemployed vehicle upholsterer, said: “I don’t know what happened but even the police who were coming out of the house looked shocked.

“I used to see the girl and her mum coming past quite often. I think the mother was Muslim because she wore a head dress and long robes.

The little girl always seemed quite happy. As far as I know it was just the two of them there but there was a bloke who would visit every now and again in a black soft-top Audi.”

Det Chief Insp Tim Bacon from the Major Investigation Unit, is leading the inquiry. A police spokesman said: “Police sealed off a house in Milverton Road, Erdington after the body of a three year old girl was found inside.

“This is being treated as a murder inquiry. A woman in her 20s has been arrested in connection with the death and is currently helping police with their inquiries.”

A force spokesman added that specially trained officers from West Midlands Fire Service were at the scene as a precaution to check substances found inside the property.

Jailed murderer pours boiling oil over another inmate because he refused to convert to Islam

Yes, yes, "there is no compulsion in religion" (Qur'an 2:256) and forced conversion is forbidden in Islamic law, but when the prophet of Islam himself tells his followers to offer unbelievers conversion, subjugation, or war, the line between free choice and compulsion can get a little blurred

."Rapist Jamaile Morally in boiling oil jail attack," by Justin Penrose for the Mirror,

A jailed killer poured boiling oil over another inmate because he refused to convert to Islam.

Jamaile Morally, 26 - sentenced to life as part of a gang that raped, tortured and murdered a teenage girl and left another for dead - led two other inmates in carrying out the attack....

A prison source said: "There has been a real problem of extremist Muslims trying to convert other inmates to Islam."

No kidding, really?

Misunderstander of Islam's wife misunderstood Islam, hoped he would kill many Infidels and get killed in the process

Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs in return is the garden of Paradise: they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain..."
-- Qur'an 9:111

"Say (O Muhammad): O ye who are Jews! If ye claim that ye are favoured of Allah apart from (all) mankind, then long for death if ye are truthful." -- Qur'an 62:6

"The Americans love Pepsi-Cola, we love death." -- Afghan jihadist Maulana Inyadullah

"We love death more than you love life!" -- New York jihadist Adis Medunjanin

"Wife of airline liquid bomb plotter 'prayed he would achieve highest level of martyrdom,'" from the Daily Mail,

The wife of the extremist who led the plot to kill hundreds of jet passengers prayed he would achieve the highest level of Islamic martyrdom, a court heard today.

Cossor Ali, 28, wrote in her diary how she was desperate for Abdullah Ahmed Ali to kill himself for his cause, it is alleged.

She even wrote of her hopes to be pregnant with a son by the time her husband was dead, jurors heard.
'I am growing more and more attached to the cause for which you are striving for, and the reason for which we are apart,' she wrote.

'I hope and pray Allah grants your wish and gives you the highest level of Shahada.'

Ahmed Ali, also 28, and two other men were convicted of the murder plot in September last year following a trial, Inner London Crown Court heard....

The al-Qaida-inspired terror cell, jailed for conspiracy to murder on a mass scale, planned to detonate home-made liquid bombs on flights bound for major North American cities....

Her diary, written in early 2005, was found in a Next bag between a cupboard and a wardrobe together with notes she had sent to her husband. [...]

'I'm really looking forward to snuggling up to you in bed, while we listen to a talk or either one of us reads Qur'an or a book to each other....

"Oooh honey, snuggle closer and read the part again where Allah will make the unbelievers drink molten lead!" (18:29)

Also in the box was Ahmed's will, which stated: 'Before I detail my last will and requests I would like to say a few words to those who may read it I begin with a reminder to all including myself every soul shall taste death.

'The time and place for every soul is written and with every passing day it draws nearer.
'So let us not fear or worry about it.

'The only thing for us to worry about and work towards is pleasing Allah by obeying all his commandments and abstaining from all his prohibitions.

'This will ensure that our life after death will be successful and that we will die as true Muslims with Imaan.'...

"True Muslims with the Imaan [faith]"? A jihadist suicide bomber? Surely he is Misunderstanding Islam -- can we please get an Islamic spokesman to explain how exactly he is doing so and what they are doing to prevent other Muslims from misunderstanding Islam in a similar way? Honest Ibe? Brave Ahmed? Anyone? Anyone?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Mosque Leader Charged with Raping Young Boys...

THE imam of a Stoke-on-Trent mosque has appeared before a court accused of committing serious sexual offences with two young boys.

Mohammed Hanif Khan, aged 41, is a leader at the Capper Street Mosque, in Tunstall. Yesterday he appeared before North Staffordshire Magistrates' Court, sitting in Fenton, to be charged with five offences.

The defendant is accused of the attempted rape and sexual assault of a 15-year-old boy in Meir last year.

He is further accused of three counts of rape on a boy under the age of 13 last year in Tunstall.
Prior to outlining the prosecution case to the magistrates, prosecutor Paul Moore said: "This is a very sensitive case.

"He is an imam at the Capper Street, Mosque, in Tunstall. He commands enormous power and respect in the community.

"Not only is he a figure of respect in this area, but he is a figure of respect outside this area because of his teachings."

As the charges were read and a brief outline of the facts given to the court, Khan, who wore a white shirt and black suit, listened intently from the dock in court one.

Mr Moore asked the court to remand the defendant, who gave his address as Bardsley Close, Ellesmere Port, in custody.

Emma Wiseman, defending, told the magistrates that the allegations against her client were denied.

She said Khan had been on bail for some considerable time while the matters had been investigated.

Miss Wiseman said the defendant had co-operated with the police and complied with bail conditions.

The case lasted for 35 minutes and Khan was remanded in custody to appear at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court for a preliminary hearing there on February 15.

According to his website, Khan became the first ever full-time Islamic Minister in the history of the British prison service in 2001.

He further progressed in introducing and setting up religious initiatives by becoming the first Muslim and non-Christian multi-faith co-ordinator of the British prison service in 2003.

In 2004 he visited Buckingham Palace to receive a Butlers' Trust Award from Princess Anne for his work in multi-faith and diversity.

He is patron and founder of Hizb ur Rasool (HUR), a charity dealing with youth issues and the propagation of Islam.

In 2008, the imam was among a group of business and community leaders drawn together to transform politics in Stoke-on-Trent.

He was appointed to the Governance Transition Board, a body tasked with making radical changes to the way the city is run.

London's Islamic Radicals Speak Out

Imam Jailed for Beating Child with Stick...

A RELIGIOUS leader has been jailed for punching and kicking a nine-year-old boy, then beating him with a bamboo stick.

Gulam Hussain, 44, of Knotts Green Road, in Leyton, was jailed for 12 weeks at Walthamstow Magistrates' Court after pleading guilty to common assault by beating.

The court heard that Hussain, who was an Imam at The Jamia Mosque in Lea Bridge Road, Leyton, had previously been cautioned in 2005 for a charge of actual bodily harm (ABH) against an 11-year-old.

Chair magistrate Dr Paul Davis told Hussain through an Urdu interpreter that he was being jailed, “for the protection of the public”.

Hussain's mitigation was that “cultural differences” meant he had not realised the beating was wrong.

Rosalind Fox, prosecuting, told the court that Hussain punished the child because he had been misbehaving.

She said: “The defendant punched the boy on the shoulder and kicked him on the leg with the flat of his foot. The victim said he cried to get the defendant to stop.”

In relation to the second incident, she told the court: “The defendant took a bamboo stick and told him to sit on the floor, then he hit his bare feet several times causing reddening on the feet, which made it painful to walk.”

The court heard that the boy did not sustain any serious injury, but was embarrassed in front of his friends.

Victoria Burgess, defending, told the magistrates that the parents of the victim had given the defendant permission to punish their son in this way, so he didn't know it was wrong.

She said: “He believed that by having his father's permission made it acceptable. Clearly it doesn't and he realises that now.”

She continued: “The offence originated out of cultural difference - a misunderstanding of what he could do with the permission of a parent.”

Miss Burgess presented letters of support from mosque members to the Magistrates.
Chair magistrate Dr Paul Davis “We regard both offences as so serious, only a custodial sentence is appropriate.

“They happened on two separate occasions and the vulnerable victim was punched, kicked and beaten with a bamboo stick and humiliated in front of his friends and community. The sentence is imposed for the protection of the community.”

Hussain was given two 16 week custodial sentences, which were reduced to 12 weeks each because of his early guilty plea. The sentences are to run concurrently.

Spokesman for the Waltham Forest Islamic Association which runs the mosque, Tariq Mohammed, said the Imam was suspended when police launched an investigation into the assault, and he will no longer work at the mosque.

Mr Mohammed said: "We condemned his actions from day one. This man has done wrong and the law has taken its course of action, and we support the law.

"Due to these unfortunate circumstances, he will not be part of our association now, or in the future."

Book 2, Number 0495: Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-'As: The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) said: Command your children to pray when they become seven years old, and beat them for it (prayer) when they become ten years old; and arrange their beds (to sleep) separately.

'Islam is the Dominant Religion in the United Kingdom. If You Don't Like it, Go Live Somewhere Else'

TOWER Hamlets council has launched a disciplinary enquiry over pro-Islamist emails sent to a London Euro-MP.

Two e-mails, with a town hall address, attacked proposals by the UK Independence Party to ban Muslim face coverings, including burkas and hijabs, in public places and accused the party of trying to "stoke a religious war on the streets of Britain."

London MEP Gerard Batten has lodged a formal complaint with Tower Hamlets council and is demanding to know what disciplinary action will be taken against any individual found responsible for sending the emails.

The emails, which have been linked to a Town Hall employee's email account, were sent last month.One message said: "Teenage pregnancies, binge drinking, that is what is associated with British culture. Islam is the dominant religion in the United Kingdom.

If you don't like it, go live somewhere else."Alcohol, pornography, anti-social behaviour, sexual deviancy; these are the things in Britain that need to be banned."

A second email, entitled "You will be banned under Islamic rule" said: "Islam is the dominant religion in the UK. And the world.

May Allah throw your mocking back on your soul."Mr Batten, who was re-elected as London's UKIP MEP last year.

He said the views expressed in the e-mails could qualify as a hate crime and that the party was considering reporting it to the police.

He said: "Personally I believe that the individual may hold or express his bonkers religious views so long as they are within the law, and so long as he keeps them outside of his employment with the council. "However, the views could qualify as a hate crime."

A council spokesman told the Advertiser: "Tower Hamlets council takes any allegation of this nature extremely seriously and has robust procedures to deal with such issues. "We can confirm this allegation of improper conduct by an employee is currently being investigated through council's established disciplinary processes and are unable make any further comment at this stage, until the investigation is completed.

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Hate preacher Abu Hamza's £280,000 house seized to pay back legal bill

Legal aid bosses have seized the house belonging to radical cleric Abu Hamza to pay off some of his defence costs.

The Legal Services Commission appropriated the property in Greenford, west London, despite Hamza claiming it did not belong to him.

It will now be sold in an attempt to pay off some of the £300,000 of taxpayers' money spent on his legal bills. Officials hope to raise £280,000 from the sale.

Hook-handed Hamza, 51, is in jail as he attempts to fight extradition to the U.S. on terror charges at the European Court of Human Rights.

He is also appealing against the Home Secretary's decision to strip him of his U.K. passport.
The Egyptian national was jailed for seven years in February 2007 for inciting murder and stirring up racial hatred.

Carolyn Regan, chief executive of the Legal Services Commission, said: 'The LSC can confirm it has taken possession of Abu Hamza's property, as a contribution to recovering the legal aid costs spent on his defence.

'The LSC will not tolerate people trying to conceal their financial assets in an attempt to have their defence costs paid for by the taxpayer.

'Legal aid is a vital public resource and we are committed to ensuring it is spent on those who most need help with their legal problems and can least afford it.

'Since 2006, the LSC has recovered approximately £3million following Crown Court trials.'

The commission was granted a seizure order by the High Court after lawyers proved the property belonged to him.

Hamza secretly bought the four-bedroom semi as a buy-to-let investment for £220,000 cash while in prison in 2006.

His family, meanwhile, has been living in a £600,000 council house provided by the taxpayer while claiming benefits. One of their neighbours is Labour MP Ben Bradshaw, the Secretary of State for Culture Media and Sport.

Former Cabinet Minister John Hutton lived next door to the cleric's family before putting his property on the market for £1million in June 2007.

Hamza bought his investment property while a Treasury order was supposed to freeze his assets and prevent him from buying or selling houses.

But he is thought to have easily sidestepped the anti-terrorism sanction by registering the house under a relative's name.

For years the firebrand cleric has ranted against the evils of capitalism, but has proved himself to be a shrewd wheeler-dealer in the property market.

He used the right-to-buy scheme to get a council flat in Hammersmith, West London for £100,000 in 1999 and sold it in September 2004 for £228,000.

Just weeks later he paid £220,000 for the 1930s semi in Greenford, which has since risen in value to £280,000.

At the time, he was on remand in Belmarsh prison in East London awaiting trial. He claimed he could not afford to pay for his defence and was granted legal aid. In 2006, the house was being rented out for £270 per week - £1,170 per month - and was occupied by Polish labourers

TaxPayers' Alliance chief executive Matthew Elliott hailed the LSC seizure.
He said: 'It is great news that at long last taxpayers are starting to get some money back from Abu Hamza.'

Monday, February 08, 2010

Irish University Pays Cleric to Preach Hate...

BANNED Muslim hate preacher Anjem Choudary has sparked outrage after he was flown to Ireland to spout his ­bigoted views to 250 university students.

Choudary’s Islam4UK group and its parent organisation al-Muhajiroun were banned last month by Home Secretary Alan Johnson under legislation to outlaw the glorification of terrorism.

However, the student law society of University College Dublin paid for him to fly over to be a guest speaker at a ­debate with the motion that ­women’s rights should trump religious doctrine.

The society also paid for his hotel.

Father-of-four Choudary opposed the motion, saying Muslim women were not suppressed or subjugated.

“There is nothing like Islam to emancipate women from slavery and servitude to men, from the cosmetics industry, fashion and pornography and all the other ways in which man tries to dehumanise ­women,” he claimed.

Maryam Namazie, who proposed the motion, hit back saying women’s rights were being denied under Sharia law, citing a woman’s inability to sign her own marriage contract and that women can be stoned for being ­unfaithful.

His public appearance last month, coming so soon after his group was outlawed, outraged the London independent think tank the Centre for Social Cohesion, which campaigns against Muslim extremism.

Spokeswoman Houriya Ahmed, a Muslim herself, said: “He should not be allowed to propagate his views to students anywhere. It is just wrong.” Conor O’Hanlon, auditor of the society, defended the decision by saying they needed someone to oppose the motion.

Concern over extremists infiltrating British universities was raised after it was revealed Umar Abdulmutallab, who tried to down a jet on Christmas Day, had been a president of the Islamic Society at University College London.

Today, we reveal more concerns over the Federation of Student Islamic Societies’ decision to hold a Palestine conference at Manchester University on February 13.

One of the speakers will be Azzam Tamimi, who has voiced ­support for Hamas suicide bombers

Muslim Association Calls Irish Ban on Polygamy 'Draconian'...

A muslim is taking a landmark High Court case demanding that the Irish state recognise his polygamous marriage.

The man is from Lebanon, where polygamy is permitted. He is married to two women and has been granted Irish citizenship.

Seven years ago the Department of Justice refused to grant the man’s first wife a visa. The Lebanese entered Ireland with his second wife and claimed asylum.

His first wife did not arrive until much later.

The man has children with both women.

After its decision was challenged, the justice department agreed to quash its refusal to issue a visa to the first wife. But as part of this settlement the man is required to ask the High Court to rule on the validity of his marriage under section 29 of the 1995 Family Law Act.

The state and the wives are all represented in the case. The residency rights of both spouses will depend on the decision. A number of similar cases are awaiting the outcome.

Legal experts say section 29 applications are usually brought to determine if foreign divorces are valid in Ireland. Britain has agreed to recognise marriages in countries which allow polygamy, as long as a man has married just once.

Liam Egan, a member of the Muslim Public Affairs Congress, accused Ireland of discriminating against Muslims in polygamous families. “It is draconian to treat this family differently,” said Egan.

“Ireland discriminates against Muslims seeking citizenship by asking them to sign an affidavit. The state should not be interfering in families like this. It is silent on adulterous affairs but the moment you try and do something honourable by bringing a woman into a marriage, even a polygamous marriage, there is an issue.”

In 2004 the justice department introduced a requirement that Muslims seeking naturalisation sign a form confirming they had only one wife and would not marry a second one.

The department said: “The Irish Supreme Court in 1989 determined that polygamous marriages and potentially polygamous marriages are not valid and not entitled to recognition in Irish law.

“There is a case involving an individual before the courts dealing with this particular issue and, as such, the department is not in a position to comment any further at this time.”

According to Egan, the Koran says that Muslims can marry up to four women but only if they can provide financial support and “love each of them equally”.

He said there are polygamous marriages in Ireland “but it is rare enough because of the recession”.

The Immigrant Council of Ireland said the case highlighted the need for the government to address gaps in immigration legislation dealing with family reunification.

It wants rules about who qualifies to live in Ireland as the family member of an Irish citizen or migrant.

Police chief says Muslim community "could do more" to aid anti-terror efforts

For years now we have seen non-Muslim law enforcement officials gingerly, politely make this request. And yet as year after year passes, no one ever says, "Time's up!" and begins to call the Muslim community to account for its non-support of anti-terror efforts. No one ever asks himself why the Muslim communities in the U.K. and the U.S. don't do more to aid anti-terror efforts. No one ever starts to question the bedrock assumption that these communities are on our side in what used to be called the war on terror, despite the lack of any actual evidence that they really are on our side.

The Muslim community 'could do more' to help identify extremist individuals, a senior officer has said.

Sir Norman Bettison, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, said that while he is conscious there is a fine line between winning the support of the Muslim community and alienating it, there was also a need for the community to work with the police.

"I'm looking for the community to work much more closely with the police in identifying young people that they have concerns about in terms of the people that they're mixing with, the sort of websites that they're going on to and the material that they're reading," he said.

"Now that information can only come from the community itself."...

Passengers left stunned after Muslim bus driver pulls over and begins praying in the aisle

A Muslim bus driver stunned passengers when he pulled over and started praying in the aisle - with the engine still running.

The driver parked without warning then rolled out a fluorescent jacket as an improvised prayer mat.

He took off his shoes, knelt down facing Mecca, and began to chant.

The prayer session held up the bus for more than five minutes with no-one able to get on or off.

Passenger Gayle Griffiths complained to Transport for London about the bizarre incident on the No.24 bus in Gospel Oak, north London, this week.

Mother-of-one Miss Griffiths, 33, of Camden, north-west London, had boarded the bus a few minutes earlier on her way home from work.

She says that she even feared at the time that the driver might be a fanatic planning to blow up the bus.

She said: 'I have done the journey a million times before but I was in a hurry to get home to pick my little girl up from school.

'We had just picked up and let off people at a bus stop and moved off again when the driver stopped the bus very suddenly.

'He got out of his cab, leaving the engine running, and walked towards the middle exit door.
'He laid out a fluorescent jacket on the floor and I thought that somebody must have been sick and he was covering it up.

'I didn't really think much of it.

'But then he took off his shoes and began praying. I was gobsmacked and quite bewildered.'

Miss Griffiths said the bus driver didn't give the passengers any explanation as to what he was doing.

'He hadn't addressed the passengers at all,' she said. 'I didn't say anything and nor did anyone else. I thought it would all be over in 30 seconds but it went on for over five minutes.

'It even went through my mind that this might be some sort of terrorist attack with the bus blown up because I had heard that suicide bombers prayed before attacks.

'As the engine was running anyone could also have got in the cab and driven off with a bus full of passengers.

'He was also blocking the exit, so if something had happened we would not have been able to get off.

'Everyone was looking round in a mix of shock and amazement. It was truly bizarre, ludicrous and aggravating.

'We are delayed often enough as it is in London.

'We live in a multi-cultural society but there is a time and a place for prayer and the middle of a journey with a busload of passengers is not it.'

Transport for London said it had apologised to all the passengers for the delay to their journey and said all Muslim drivers are being reminded that they should pray during statutory rest periods rather than hold up services.

A TfL spokesman said: 'A route 24 bus was delayed following a decision by the driver to stop the bus to pray.

'The bus company, London General, has had a word with the driver as this is not something that should be happening.

Christian teacher 'forced out' after complaining Muslim pupils praised 9/11 hijackers 'as heroes'
Immigrants wanting to settle in France to sign a 'no burka' contract

'TfL apologises to passengers for any inconvenience this may have caused them.
'We understand that there is some flexibility in the Muslim faith as to the times of day that drivers can pray.

'TfL and the individual bus operating companies acknowledge and value the diversity of their staff.

'As diverse employers, TfL and the bus operators provide suitable prayer or quiet rooms at garages and other key locations for staff who wish to practise their faith.

'We have asked London General to remind drivers who have a requirement to pray to use these facilities during their rest periods.

Christian teacher 'forced out' after complaining Muslim pupils praised 9/11 hijackers 'as heroes'

A Christian teacher told today how he lost his job after complaining that Muslim pupils as young as eight hailed the September 11 hijackers as 'heroes'.

Nicholas Kafouris said he was forced from his £30,000-a-year post because he would not tolerate the 'racist' and 'anti-Semitic' behaviour of children.

He said the predominantly Muslim youngsters openly praised Islamic extremists in class, and hailed the terrorists of the 2001 atrocities as 'martyrs'.

Mr Kafouris, 40, told how one pupil said to him, ‘Don’t touch me, you’re a Christian’, when the teacher accidentally brushed against him with his arm.

Others said, ‘We want to be Islamic bombers when we grow up', and 'the Christians and Jews are our enemies, you too because you're a Christian', he added.

Mr Kafouris, who had taught at Bigland Green Primary School, in Tower Hamlets, East London, for 12 years, said there was a change in attitude of pupils at the school - where the majority of pupils are Muslim - after the World Trade Center attacks.

According to the most recent Ofsted report 'almost all' the 465 pupils at the school are from ethnic minorities and a vast proportion do not have English as their first language.

Mr Kafouris, a Greek Cypriot, said pupils told him, 'We hate the Christians' and, 'We hate the Jews', despite his attempts to stop them.

The teacher is now suing his former school, the headteacher, and the assistant head for racial discrimination after they failed to take action about the comments made by pupils to him.

He had filled out a 'Racist Incident Reporting Sheet' but claimed the headteacher Jill Hankey dismissed his concerns.

In a statement submitted to the Central London Employment Tribunal he said: 'Miss Hankey proceeded to excuse and justify the pupil's behaviour, conduct and remarks to me as if I had no right to be offended by the child's remarks and conduct.

Amongst Miss Hankey's justifications for the child's remarks, she said: 'If the child was older, say 15, I might take it more seriously, he's only nine, he's only doing it to wind you up.'

He added: 'I felt the head's behaviour and conduct towards me amounted to direct religious discrimination against me which I considered most offensive.

‘I was intimidated in the way she spoke to me which indicated, “Don't come back with such issues again”.'

Mr Kafouris said the comments became more frequent after nothing was done by Miss Hankey after the initial incidents.

He said: 'In late November and December 2006 a number of unacceptable and blunt racist, anti-Semitic and anti-Christian remarks were being made by various children in Year 4 where I taught, such as, 'We want to be Islamic bombers when we grow up”,

“The twin tower bombers are heroes and martyrs”, “We hate the Jews”, “We hate the Christians”, “The Christians and Jews are our enemies, you too because you're a Christian” - directed to me personally.

'Some children were expressing delight at the death and killing of people of other cultures and religions: In the last week of November 2006 a child was talking about stabbing another child and I told him this was dangerous talk and that a lawyer had recently been stabbed by teenagers; his reply was:, “I'm glad that man died”, 'Why?' I asked. “Because he's a Christian and English and we're Muslim”.'

During a religious education lesson about Jonah and the whale, he claims one of the pupils asked if Jonah was a Jew, before shouting: 'I hate the Jews, they're our enemies.'

Mr Kafouris said he again tried to speak to the headteacher about it.

He said: 'The head's response was hostile and offensive again. The very first thing she said to me was: “Oh you again! You're the only teacher that reports these things! Nobody else does!”.

'Four times she repeated: “It's because of your lack of discipline that they're saying these things”.'

Mr Kafouris was signed off with stress by his GP at the end of February 2007 after the assistant headteacher, Margaret Coleman, warned him not to challenge the pupils in class about their remarks.

He says the lack of support from the school has made him clinically depressed and unable to work.

His case against Tower Hamlets Borough Council, Miss Hankey, Miss Coleman and Bigland Green School opened today.

Former pupils of the school will give evidence.

The case continues and is expected to last for 11 days.
Nothing surprising in what these children were saying: we have seen adult Muslims saying similar things many, many times over the years here at exposing islam. Nor is there anything very surprising in the fact that in Absurd Britannia today it is this teacher who suffers for reporting this, while the students aren't disciplined in any way -- nor is there any scrutiny of what is going on in their communities that led them to make these statements.

Sunday, February 07, 2010


Did you see that the BBC's head of religion has accused the Church of England of "living in the past" and said that the corporation should not give Christianity preferential treatment?

Well, he IS a Muslim and he is acting to form in that regards.

What a scandal that Christianity is so abused by the BBC head of religion and what an even bigger disgrace that we are asked to fund this.

Facebook Users: 'We Hate Jews for the Sake of Allah'...

Police have launched an urgent investigation into a horrific Facebook group that gave graphic details of anti-Semitic incidents perpetrated by its members against Ilford's Jewish community.

The group, created by a student at Loxford School of Science and Technology, attracted more than 500 members in two weeks following its launch last month and featured teenagers boasting about engaging in anti-Semitic behaviour.

It featured messages from youths using language rife with spelling errors,profanities and teenage colloquialisms.

One girl wrote: "Jews are the ones that killed prophets in the past.
Dirty filthy scum-bags. No wonder they have the curse of Allah upon them. Burn Jew burn."Another stated: "OMG! ii Saw a Jew Todaii ii Swearr downn Weariingg Dahh Hatt He Lookedd At Me Liike Man Knowsz Me [sic]."

She went on to describe screaming obscenities at the man and rudely telling him to go away.

In a further disturbing post, a girl bragged about aggressively confrontinga Jewish woman in Argos after she was "looking at me". She wrote: "Looool i Had a Fight Wif 1 Urgh in Argos [sic]."The Jewish News was informed about the group, created by a student atLoxford School, by a private investigator in Australia.

it has since beenremoved from the popular social networking site.The group was described by a Community Security Trust (CST) official as "one of the most shocking things I have ever seen".

A spokeswoman from Redbridge Council, speaking on behalf of Loxford School, said the school was contacted about the group and then immediately reported it to Facebook and the police.

The spokeswoman said: "The student concerned has been dealt with and the school has taken disciplinary action. There is an ongoing police investigation so we are unable to comment further.

"Ilford police confirmed it had "received an allegation regarding anti-Semitic material being published on a social networking website"

.A spokeswoman told the Jewish News that the police are investigating and inquiries continue.

Several comments on the vile Facebook site include misguided references to Islam and the Koran as justification for targeting Jews.

One female youth wrote: "We hate Jews for the sake of Allah as he has told us to do in the Koran."

The group page included offensive jokes invoking pejorative stereotypes about Jews and money as well as an anti-Semitic cartoon.

There was also a link to a YouTube video entitled "Kill All Christians and Jews".

In addition several members expressed anti-Israeli sentiment.

There was a photograph of graffiti saying "Jihad 4 Israel" and a link to another YouTubevideo of "a brave Palestinian girl standing up to Israeli soldiers".

Mike Gardner, director of communications at the CST, said he was left"utterly chilled" by the casual way that the youths displayed theiranti-Semitism. He said: "It shows how new media is now facilitating the most shockinganti-Semitism among groups of youngsters, as if hatred and violence andgross ignorance were all just a part of their normal lives."

Anybody who wants to understand how anti-Semitism can be transmitted today should study this online group closely, but they will need a strong stomachto do so."

The CST, which is due to release its latest findings on anti-Semitism in theUK this week, has previously reported 609 incidents in the first six monthsof 2009, more than in any other entire year. A report released by theJewish Agency last month revealed that there were more anti-Semiticincidents in Europe in 2009 than in any year since the Holocaust.

Mike Gapes, the local MP for Ilford South, urged the authorities to take"very strong action".

Gapes told the Jewish News: "I am deeply concerned.Incitement to hatred is a crime and we must stand very firm and take actionagainst anyone who incited racial or religious hatred.

Anti-Semitism has tobe opposed."Lee Scott MP for Ilford North also denounced the site, saying: "It isshocking and I condemn it."A Facebook spokeswoman said that the group was removed because it breached the company's policies.

She said: "We want Facebook to be a place where people can openly discuss issues and express their views, while respecting the rights and feelings of others." She added that users should report groups that they feel violate Facebook's rules.

Spencer Lewis, the headteacher of local Jewish high school King Solomonsaid: "We have had no problems at all with Loxford that I am aware of and we have a very good relationship with the school."

Friday, February 05, 2010

Film seized 'shows children being radicalised'

Counter-terrorism police say their discovery of a film of children being encouraged to hold guns is evidence of attempts to radicalise youngsters.

The Counter Terrorist Unit (CTU) in North West England revealed they found the film during a raid in Manchester.

Officers say it shows two children, aged about three and six, playing with a pistol and a Kalashnikov rifle.

Material seized separately included the advice: "No child is ever too young to be started off on Jihad training."

The footage, which police believe was filmed in Pakistan, was uncovered on the hard drive of a computer during a raid carried out under the Terrorism Act 2000. Police have not revealed when the material was seized.

'I want to kill'

Police believe the firearms are real.

The video shows a girl and young boy playing with guns and a man's voice says: "What do you do with the weapon?"

He answers his own question: "I want to kill the infidels [non-believers]."

A senior officer in the CTU, who cannot be identified for security reasons, said: "We believe this was filmed abroad.

"We have no idea who the children are. We were shocked to find it at the house. We have no reason to believe this is faked. The guns are real."

“ It just shows the mindset of some people and what we are up against ” Senior CTU officer
Police say they have also found flash cards, used to teach young children the alphabet, in another house raid.

The officer said: "We found a series of flash cards and documents on how to raise Mujahid children [who will fight for Islam]. The cards were written in English - and instead of having M for Muhammad they had M for Mujahideen..."

"They have the potential to indoctrinate. It just shows the mindset of some people and what we are up against."

video that shows children being ‘radicalised.’

Police say they also found documents downloaded from an extremist website which instructs parents to raise Mujahid children.

The documents say: "The key is to start instilling these values in them while they are babies. Don't wait until they are seven. No child is ever too young to be started off on Jihad training."

David Thompson, Assistant Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police, said the majority of the Muslim population supported the police's counter-terror operations in the region.

He said: "My view is [that] the majority of the community across the board see the threat that we're dealing with and are hugely supportive."

MP Kim Howells, chairman of the parliamentary intelligence and security committee, was shown the footage.

He said: "It's a dreadful thing to see and I hope I never have to see it again actually.

"That's as serious a piece of evidence of the kind of thing we are up against as I have ever set eyes on."

Anjum Anwar MBE, who works for the church as a community dialogue development officer, said the film must not be used to implicate the rest of the Muslim world.

Most of the Muslim community do not bring up their children in that way, she said.

At least the problem was being given an airing. But the Muslim lady featured in the story said ‘the most worrying thing’ was that people might think this sort of carry-on was representative of all Muslims. The actual radicalisation and indoctrination seemed to bother her less.

For a far more extensive representation of muslim violence worldwide go to the Religion of Peace website

"I think it would be naive to think that Britain could not see its first female suicide bomber"

Muslim women in the UK misunderstanding Islam in increasing numbers: "Muslim women 'radicalised' in UK," by Rahila Bano for the BBC,

On Monday a female suicide bomber killed 54 people in north-east Baghdad.

The attack may have happened on another continent, but there are increasing concerns that violent extremism among women may now also be increasing in the UK.

It is believed that the process of radicalisation often takes place at universities.

One Islamist group linked with this practice is Hizb ut-Tahrir.

While not itself connected to any terrorist acts, Hizb ut-Tahrir has courted controversy and politicians have seized on some of its more inflammatory views.

The Conservative Party has said it would ban the organisation altogether.

Nazreen Nawaz is a spokeswoman for the group. She became a member while studying medicine at King's College London.

Today, sitting at her dining table in south London, she teaches her four-year-old daughter how to spell and explains her decision to join.

"The philosophy of Hizb ut-Tahrir offered me a view of Islam that could solve many of the problems in the Muslim world," Dr Nawaz says.

"We don't advocate that British Muslims go over and fight in Palestine and occupied countries.

"What we say is that people in lands such as Afghanistan, Iraq and occupied countries have the right to defend themselves."


There are concerns that hundreds of British Muslim women have been radicalised, many while being students.

Former Hizb-ut Tahrir member Hadiya Masieh on why she joined and later left
Recent intelligence reports about terror plots involving women, and the growing trend of al-Qaeda's use of female suicide bombers, have ignited concerns that some may turn to violent extremism in Britain.

"I think it would be naive to think that Britain could not see its first female suicide bomber," says Sabira Lakha, an adviser to the Muslim Women's Advisory Group....

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