Monday, June 19, 2006

"Positive Discrimination"

The chairman of the British Commission for Racial Equality is in favor of "positive discrimination" to increase the number of Muslims in the police force: Race law update needed, Phillips.
Britain’s race laws need updating to help in the battle against terrorism, the chairman of the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) has said.
Trevor Phillips has called for a debate on positive discrimination in favour of Muslims applying to join the police.
"Positive discrimination." That one gets a 9+ on the LGF Euphemism Scale.
In the speech to be given at the Social Policy Forum at the Government Office for London, he will say that British Muslims are as committed to tackling "terrorism" as anyone else.
Actually, there’s more than a little evidence that exactly the opposite is true. Here’s one story we linked to last February: British Muslims: 40% Want Shari’a Law.
Here’s another one, from last July: Poll: 1/4 of UK Muslims Support 7/7 Bombers.
Not to mention this: Secret UK Report: Muslim Police Corrupt.
And then, of course, there’s this: Cartoon Madness on Video.
The initiative to recruit more Muslim police officers isn’t necessarily a terrible idea, although doing it via "positive discrimination" gives me a headache. But what do you want to bet these new police recruits will never be asked where they stand on the global jihad? Without some kind of screening for radicals, this initiative is simply asking for the police to be infiltrated—just like the British media already have been.
And of course, where would any such initiative be without an implicit threat?
Mr Phillips, a former head of the National Union of Students, will also warn that it cannot be taken for granted that Muslim communities will put up with anti-terror searches indefinitely.

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