Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Queen of England congratulates Iranian Mullahs on their 30th Anniversary

Queen Elizabeth congratulates the Islamic Republic for "national" day. In a brief notice on her official website, the Queen of England sent her greetings to the ruling clerics of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

She is the only foreign leader we know of who has ever referred to the anniversary of the Khomeinist revolution as Iran's "national" day. For the record, the Islamic Republic itself has decreed April 1 - not February 10 - as its "independence day," because that was the day in 1980 that the Islamic Republic regime was officially decreed. Many Iranians consider their true independence day to be August 5, the anniversary of the 1906 constitutional revolution).
Iranians have long suspected the British government of interfering in Iran's internal affairs; some have accused Britain of conspiring with Khomeini in 1979 to bring down the Shah. The Queen's statement could have been written by modern Iranian novelist Iraj Pezeshkzad, whose comic hero, dear Uncle Napolean, saw a British hand behind every ill of Iranian society.

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