Friday, December 11, 2009

Misunderstander of Islam guilty of plotting "deadly terror attack"

It's too bad, isn't it, that all the self-righteous self-proclaimed Muslim moderates who spend so much time trying to show that what this site says about Islam is wrong don't spend any time at all trying to convince Muslims who somehow get the crazy idea that Islam teaches violence and supremacism that they're getting their peaceful religion all wrong, wrong wrong."Briton guilty of plotting 'deadly terror attack,'" from the BBC,

A British Muslim has been convicted of conspiring to murder civilians in a "deadly terrorist attack".

Adam Khatib, 22, a factory worker from Walthamstow, east London, was part of a terror cell run from Pakistan.

The cell was led by Abdullah Ahmed Ali convicted of plotting to blow up transatlantic passenger airliners.

Co-defendant Nabeel Hussain was found guilty of engaging in preparing terror acts and Shamin Uddin was convicted of possessing terror items, namely a CD....

Prosecutor Peter Wright QC said: "Khatib may not have been informed of the ultimate target, namely passenger aircraft... all that was required of him was an agreement to play his part in bringing about the murder of others."

The court heard that Khatib had became fascinated by radical Islam as a teenager.

Signing one of his school assignments "Adam Osama Bin Laden," Khatib became a cause for concern to teachers worried about his increasingly extreme views, including anti-Semitic outbursts in the classroom....

Though it is not known what the two did during their time in Pakistan, Mr Wright told Woolwich Crown Court: "They may have been home-grown but the direction of these young men came from Pakistan."

Maybe. But it certainly came from the Qur'an and Sunnah. Of course, Mr. Wright would never wish to say anything about that: it could get him charges of "Islamophobia."

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