Sunday, January 24, 2010

Muslim police say Islam not to blame for terror attacks

Muslim Police Say Islam Not to Blame for Terror Attacks.

Everybody’s talking about it except, to date, the BBC.

They tell us that the anti-terror Police need Muslims.But the NAMP has, it seems, some dodgy friends.

That was a bit skimpy, sorry.The Telegraph report is on the Front Page of the paper (tree version.)A highlighted quote from the NAMP says: “Hatred against Muslims has grown to a level that defies all logic”Unfortunately it doesn’t defy all logic at all.

What does defy logic is that while the so-called peaceful majority of moderate Muslims fail to explain exactly where their religious faith differs from that of self-proclaimed “true” Muslims like Anjem Choudary or any of the myriad Jihadi martyrs, they expect anyone to accept this ridiculous sounding theory.

It’s all very well to say ‘”that’s not the real Islam.” So what sort of Islam is moderate Islam, and what good does it do?

The veiled threat in their statement amounts to: “If you don’t stop saying we’re violent, we’ll bash yer brains in.”

I presume the government will be suitably intimidated, and issue a statement that it’s the far right they’re really concerned about, and will re engage with the MCB for some more lovely advice.

Oh no, they’ve done that already.

So what will Newsnight be saying about all this?

Who will they bring in to pacify the NAMP? Or will they ignore it and hope it goes away.

The same moderate group who's "Lord" Ahmed threatened the House of Lords authorities that he would bring a force of 10,000 Muslims to lay siege to the Lords.


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