Saturday, January 02, 2010

Outrage as Islamic extremists vow to march through streets of Wootton Bassett

A town famous for honouring dead British soldiers returning from Afghanistan reacted defiantly today to news that a controversial Islamic group is to march through its streets.

Islam4UK - which calls itself a 'platform' for extremist movement al-Muhajiroun - plans to parade through Wootton Bassett, in Wiltshire, in the coming weeks.

The group's website says the event is being held 'not in memory of the occupying and merciless British military' but of the Muslims its says have been 'murdered in the name of democracy and freedom'.

Proud tribute: The town of Wootton Bassett has become a solemn symbol of the heroism of British troops killed in Afghanistan

Leader Anjem Choudary said today the protest, involving 500 people, would be a peaceful one, with 'symbolic coffins' being carried to honour Muslim victims of the conflict.

But the walk will not coincide with the return of a dead soldier's body, added Mr Choudary, 42, a former lawyer from East London.

Hundreds of people line the market town's High Street every week to watch servicemen's bodies being driven through from RAF Lyneham.

Family and friends of the fallen, shopkeepers, and British Legion members wait in all weathers to pay silent tribute to a cortege of Union flag-draped coffins.

Radical: Anjem Choudary is planning to hold a march through the streets of Wootton Bassett

Ex-mayor and councillor Chris Wannell said today: 'We don't do what we do at Wootton Bassett for any political reason at all, but to pay our respects to those who have given their lives for our freedom.

'We are a Christian country and a traditional old English market town who honour very much our Queen and country. We obey the law and pay respects to our servicemen who protect our freedom.

'If this man has any decency about him he will not hold a march through Wootton Bassett.'

North Wiltshire MP James Gray said: 'I've seen in the past assorted groups threaten to march, but they don't actually do it. I wouldn't think they'd get permission from the police.

'The people of Wootton Bassett are not interested in politics. They will say, these are foolish people making a silly point - we'll get on with our ordinary lives thank you.

'This also misunderstands the nature of what the people of Wootton Bassett do. They are not blood-thirstily in favour of the war. Most people would say they were not qualified to comment on the rightness or wrongness.

'The people of Wootton Bassett are decent, quiet, pragmatic people and they'll stay at home instead (of reacting to the march).'

Secretary of Wootton Bassett British Legion Anne Bevis urged the group to reconsider.

She told the Swindon Advertiser: 'I would say however, that I do hope members of this group think long and hard about the rights of the people of Wootton Bassett before going ahead with their proposal.

'The repatriations have never been political. We turn out to pay our respects to those who have lost their lives and support the families who must carry on without them.'

A spokeswoman for Wiltshire Police said it respected the right to peaceful protest but would deal with any breach of the law appropriately.

Choudary compares British troops to Nazi stormtroopers as 210,000 sign Facebook bid to stop his Islamic extremist march

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