Monday, February 08, 2010

Police chief says Muslim community "could do more" to aid anti-terror efforts

For years now we have seen non-Muslim law enforcement officials gingerly, politely make this request. And yet as year after year passes, no one ever says, "Time's up!" and begins to call the Muslim community to account for its non-support of anti-terror efforts. No one ever asks himself why the Muslim communities in the U.K. and the U.S. don't do more to aid anti-terror efforts. No one ever starts to question the bedrock assumption that these communities are on our side in what used to be called the war on terror, despite the lack of any actual evidence that they really are on our side.

The Muslim community 'could do more' to help identify extremist individuals, a senior officer has said.

Sir Norman Bettison, the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, said that while he is conscious there is a fine line between winning the support of the Muslim community and alienating it, there was also a need for the community to work with the police.

"I'm looking for the community to work much more closely with the police in identifying young people that they have concerns about in terms of the people that they're mixing with, the sort of websites that they're going on to and the material that they're reading," he said.

"Now that information can only come from the community itself."...

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