Saturday, August 17, 2013

Muslim facing jail for slashing friend who sympathised with tragic soldier Lee Rigby

A MAN is facing jail for knifing a friend after he sympathised with the murdered soldier Lee Rigby.
Ziko Sulliman, a Muslim from Sudan, attacked Zakaria Zain in a dispute days after the squaddie's death.
The pair had been drinking in Sulliman's home in Middlesbrough when a report of the killing was on TV news.
It is said the pair rowed after Mr Zain - also a Sudanese national - commented that it was appalling.
He left the house in Aire Street and went to his home in nearby Fife Street, but was followed by Sulliman.
The 27-year-old knocked on the door, and when his friend answered, he slashed him across the face.
It is said Sulliman yelled at Mr Zain before slashing him: "I will send you to God."
Another pal - a Muslim from Sudan, Khalid Osman - tried to intervene and was also injured with the knife.
At a brief hearing at Teesside Crown Court today (Friday), Sulliman admitted three charges arising from the incident.
He pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm with intent, unlawful wounding and having a bladed article.

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