Thursday, September 05, 2013

Manningham man jailed for attack on disabled man

A 21-year-old man held a knife to the throat of a disabled man in his own home, only weeks after he was given a suspended prison sentence for robbery.

 Umar Hussain was yesterday jailed for 28 months. Bradford Crown Court heard that Hussain, of Queen’s Road, Manningham, Bradford, had befriended the disabled man, who had one leg and a congenital abnormality.

Prosecutor Abigail Langford said Hussain had stayed at the man’s house but the man had moved him out when he sat drinking and taking drugs. 

But Miss Langford said Hussain and another man went to the disabled man’s home, in Aireville Avenue, Frizinghall, Bradford, on August 10 this year, and made themselves at home, and drinking, in his living room.

Miss Langford said: “Hussain demanded that the complainant made him some food, but the complainant told him to leave.

 “The defendant grabbed a ten-inch serrated knife from the complainant’s kitchen, held it to his throat and said: ‘Don’t tell me when to leave, I’ll stay here’.”

 The prosecutor said that a woman friend, who was present, pushed Hussain away, and the complainant tried to hide in the bedroom.

 But the defendant followed him and picked up a chair, raised it above his head and threatened him with it.

The woman again intervened but was told by Hussain: “If I want to hit him, I’ll hit him.”

 The disabled man then left his address.

 Judge John Potter said that it was disgraceful, aggressive and bullying behaviour towards a disabled victim. 

Hussain’s solicitor advocate, Ian Hudson, told the court his client had pleaded guilty and that he had not been to prison before. 

The court heard Hussain was in breach of a suspended sentence order, imposed in July for robbery. Hussain pleaded guilty to affray and common assault. 

He was jailed for 16 months, with a further 12 months for the suspended sentence breach.

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