Monday, October 14, 2013

Dramatic moment armed police wrestle Islamic terror suspect to the ground as four men are held in raids across London

Dramatic CCTV footage has emerged of one of a series of arrests across London, in which counter-terror police are seen tackling a suspect on the upmarket Westbourne Grove in west London.

The black-and-white footage, captured by the 65 & King bar and obtained by ITV News, shows a number of officers wrestle to the ground the 28-year-old British man, of Azerbaijani origin, outside the Planet Organic store around 7pm last night. 

Once they've got him down, four cars swoop in.

It formed part of an operation to simultaneously detain a group of suspected Islamist terrorists amid fears an attack similar to the Kenyan mall atrocity had been planned on British soil.

Swoop: A team of anti-terror detectives surround a man outside Planet Organic in West London at 7pm
Swoop: A team of anti-terror detectives surround a man outside Planet Organic in West London at 7pm
It was part of four simultaneous arrests of men who police believe may have been plotting a Kenya attack
It was part of four simultaneous arrests of men who police believe may have been plotting a Kenya attack

At the same time as the Westbourne Grove seige, armed police fired special ammunition - designed to breach doors or burst tyres - to stop a car on Mansell Street, near the Tower of London. 

They also arrested two men, both aged 25. 

One is a British national of Turkish origin, while the other is a British national of Algerian origin.

A 29-year-old, a British national of Pakistani origin, was also held in Peckham Street, south-east London, during last night’s MI5-assisted operation.
All the men have been detained on the suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism, Scotland Yard said, and are being quizzed at a south London police station.

And as six addresses and two vehicles across the capital continue to be searched by the Metropolitan Police, further eyewitness reports have emerged.
As the police wrestle the 28-year-old to the ground, cars begin to close in on the scene on Westbourne Grove
As the police wrestle the 28-year-old to the ground, cars begin to close in on the scene on Westbourne Grove
The British man of Azerbaijani descent is now being held in south London as six other properties are searched
The British man of Azerbaijani descent is now being held in south London as six other properties are searched
Police tape: The area was cordoned off to the public as the detective team swiftly clears the area
Police tape: The area was cordoned off to the public as the detective team swiftly clears the area

All the men have been arrested on the suspicion of the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism, Scotland Yard said, and are being quizzed at a south London police station.

The Evening Standard has reported the Metropolitan Police was acting on intelligence the men had access to firearms.

According to the paper, an attack by several gunmen in the capital is the worst fear of anti-terror bosses.

And as six addresses across the capital continue to be searched by the Metropolitan Police, further eyewitness reports have emerged.

City of London councillor John Fletcher, whose apartment backs on to Mansell Street, said he heard two loud bangs which he initially thought were fireworks.

He said it was not until his wife told him about the commotion on the street and he went to investigate that he realised the seriousness of the situation.

Raids: A daytime view of the spot on Westbourne Grove, near Portobello Road, where the man was arrested
Raids: A daytime view of the spot on Westbourne Grove, near Portobello Road, where the man was arrested
Operation: A restaurant worker said a man arrested in west London was swooped on by specialist officers in several cars who pushed him up against the glass of the restaurant
Operation: A restaurant worker said a man arrested in west London was swooped on by specialist officers in several cars who pushed him up against the glass of the restaurant

Mr Fletcher said he then realised the two loud bangs were related to the arrest, but could not say for sure what they were.

The councillor said he was left without answers when he tried to question a policeman about the situation.
'He said "You'll hear all about it in the papers tomorrow",' he said.

'I asked him if there was any danger to the residents in the flats I represent and he said there's no danger to them at all.'

Neighbour Catherine Delgado, 43, saw the incident and said about 'five or six' cars swarmed over one vehicle, blocking off the street in the process.

Mansell Street, Whitechapel
Arrests: Police arrested two men at Mansell Street in Whitechapel, east London

Ms Delgado said police, some in special uniforms, began shouting at the driver to get out of the vehicle, but he was refusing.

She also recalled hearing two loud bangs, but was unable to say whether shots were fired.

The concerned resident said she tried to get information from police about the incident, but was also denied.
'They didn't say anything,' she said.

'There were two policemen on top of a guy, pinning him down and from what I may have heard, the assailant said in maybe a foreign accent "please don't break my arm"'  
- Neighbour George Paul

'I asked the policewoman what was going on and she said "We can't tell you anything, just go away, just go away".

'But I said "I'm quite worried because I'm living here, someone tells me there's a terrorist with a bomb".
'"Is this true? Because (if it is), I'm going".'

Mr Fletcher said his ward of Portsoken was generally incident-free and he suspected police chose Mansell Street to intercept the suspects because it was a wide, busy road.

Ramin Massodi described the suspect arrested in the upmarket Westbourne Grove raid as 'handsome'.

Mr Massodi, who witnessed the drama unfold from inside the Persian restaurant where he works, added: 'He definitely didn't look like a terrorist at all.'

He said police came into the restaurant and apprehended another man, but later released him without charge.

The restaurant worker said the arrested man had been swooped on by specialist officers in several cars who pushed him up against the glass of the restaurant.

Peckham Road, Peckham
Held: A final man was arrested on Peckham Street in east London. All four are being held by police.

'I heard shouting then I looked outside and saw four cars... and they grabbed him,' he said.

Neighbour George Paul, who lived across the street from the restaurant, said he was sitting in his flat when he head the commotion outside.

'I poked my head out the window - it was dark - but I could clearly see at least three cars,' he said.

'They were stopping traffic in all directions. There were two policemen on top of a guy, pinning him down and from what I may have heard, the assailant said in maybe a foreign accent "please don't break my arm".'

Mr Paul said officers then handcuffed the man and pressed him against the restaurant wall.

Wreckage: The collapsed upper car park of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, following last month's terrorist attack
Wreckage: The collapsed upper car park of the Westgate Mall in Nairobi, following last month's terrorist attack

He said he thought about coming out to investigate further but decided against it because of how serious the situation seemed.

Mr Paul, who has lived in the area for 30 years, said he had never seen anything like it before.

'This is one of the best policed areas, there's two policemen walking around every 15 minutes,' he said.
'It's a very safe area so this is a surprise, it's a shock basically.'

The street where the man was arrested in Notting Hill is lined with restaurants and boutiques.

A restaurant owner, who did not want to be named, said the incident closed down most of the street and cost him a significant amount of business.

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