Thursday, October 17, 2013

Drunk father crashed into a bus stop while three times over the limit with his son, four, in the passenger seat

A drink-driving father smashed his car into a bus stop while THREE times the legal alcohol limit - as his young son sat in the passenger seat.

Mohammed Yasin was drinking vodka before getting into his Nissan Micra, accompanied by his four-year-old child, at rush hour.

Yasin, 29, was driving close to his home in Cheetham Hill when he swerved in the road, mounted a pavement and careered into the bus stop, a court heard.

Police officers were called to the scene of the accident at around 5.30pm on October 1.

They discovered Yasin at the wheel smelling of alcohol.

Kerry Bell, prosecuting, told Manchester City Magistrates’ Court: 'The defendant did a U-turn and mounted a pavement and collided with a bus stop.

'He said he took a short cut, and a child had run out in front of him, which caused him to lose control of the vehicle. 

'He accepted he consumed some vodka and was drunk in charge of a child.'

The father had been to pick up his wife's medication from a nearby hospital and his son 'insisted on going with him', magistrates were told.

When police breathalysed Yasin they found 111mg of alcohol on his breath - the legal limit is 35mg. 

He admitted two charges, one of drink-driving and another of being drunk in charge of a child.

Defending his client David Philpott, said: 'He’s admitted that the accident was caused by someone running into the road.' 

But District Judge Paul Richardson said: 'It doesn’t matter. He was driving with 111mg of alcohol in his system and was in charge of a four-year-old.'

    The judge told Yasin: 'You should never have been driving. Thankfully, there wasn’t anyone at the bus stop.'

    Yasin was handed an interim driving ban. He is due to be sentenced next month after reports have been prepared by the probation service.

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