iERA is short for The Islamic Education and Research Academy who are based in London. But don’t let respectable sounding name fool you because they are anything but a respectable outfit. The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) is an Islamist organisation which tours hate preachers around Britain. It is an extreme Salaļ¬st group, which largely focuses on dawah (proselytizing or preaching). Recently, its speakers have been banned from venues such as the University Conference London, Arsenal football stadium and the Sheraton Centre Hotel. Its speakers and advisors have a history of voicing support for terror groups and preaching hatred againstminorities.Three iERA speakers have been banned from entering Britain:
Bilal Philips, described by the US an “unindicted co-conspirator” in the 1993 al-Qaeda attack on the World Trade Center;
Zakir Naik, banned from the UK for saying that “every Muslim should be a terrorist;” he is the owner of Islamic Tv channel Peace TV who were recently in trouble with Ofcom for their programs radical views
Hussein Yee, who openly preaches hatred against Jews, and claims that Jews in America were ‘happy’ when the Twin Towers fell.
Dawah is to push Islam in daily life. Spreading the word of Islam to people such as non practising Muslims hoping they will become active Islamists or non Muslims to try and get them to convert. Its a more sinister equivalent of say a Christian Missonary or Jehovahs Witnesses knocking on your door only its political Islam they want you to embrace. Modern Dawah movements are varied in their objectives and activities. Other examples of groups who claim to be Dawah movements are Jamaat-e-Islami, The Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir, and Tablighi Jamaat. All of whom have been associated with past controversy, promoting militant Islam and having terror links. In short they are all Islamofascists who’s aim is for Islam to dominate the world by whatever means possible.
In 2012 their yearly budget was £850,000 funded by donations and money raised at its events. In iERA, they currently have 18 Islamic speakers as permanent staff in the UK. Based on a ratio of income/ expenditure of their budget for 2012, they spend 47% on Islamic speakers. The average salary works out to £22,033 gross perannum.It also provides an Islamic speaker agency providing hate preachers to Mosques and events which will bump up the £22k salaries of their full time hate preachers with speakers fees . iREA is a registered charity and linked to various umbrella LTD company’s and charities sharing the same trustees / directors who’s finance’s seem intertwined providing paid services to each other.
Abdurraheem Green is one of the iERA’s most prominent speakers.Stand for Peace considers him to be an anti-Semitic, anti-homosexual demagogue and an apologist for terrorism.Green does not attempt to hide his hatred of Jews. In one video, Green has said,
“Why don’t you take the Yahudi [Jew] over there, far away, so his stench doesn’t disturb us, okay?”
He recommends death to be a “suitable” punishment for adultery and homosexuality:
“Such crimes thus need suitable and effective punishments that act as a sever
warning to others. A public crime deserves a public punishment. Adultery is
punishable by death, and a slow and painful death by stoning. All of this also
goes some way to help understand way acts of homosexuality are similarly
treated so harshly.”
According to Islamist hate spewer Green, its ok for a man beating women, in order to “bring them to goodness”. He has extremely hateful views on the kafir non-Muslims, describing them as “evil” and their schools as “sewers” . He has openly stated support for the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden. In a newspaper interview he claimed
“permanent state of war exists between the people of Islam and the people who opposed Islam”
Hamza Tzortzis, a convert to Islam from a Greek “humanist-spiritualist” upbringing, styles himself as an “intellectual activist”. He has been lecturing on university campuses on such topics as “Islamic Law – Barbaric or Misunderstood?” and “The Miracle of the Qur’an”. Tzortzis wants to criminalise homosexuality, and equates it with paedophilia and cannibalism. He is an Islamonazi who opposes free speech, democracy and openly states his desire for a world of political Islam under Sharia Law.
“We as Muslims reject the idea of freedom of speech, and even the idea of freedom. We see under the Khilafa (caliphate), when people used to engage in a positive way, this idea of freedom was redundant, it was unnecessary, because the society understood under the education system of the Khilafa state, and under the political framework of Islam, that people must engage with each other in a positive and productive way to produce results, as the Qur’an says, to get to know one another. Whereas in this society, what they call debate and positive discourse is printing cartoons.”
Tzortzis was linked to Islamic terrorism when previously he was a trustee of Green Crescent, a British charity placed under investigation by the Charity Commission for links with Islamist terrorism. He resigned his trusteeship after Green Crescent’s head, Faisal Mostafa, was arrested and charged with terrorism offences in Bangladesh following the discovery of arms caches at a school run by them. He was also involved with Islamic extremists Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
Yusuf Chambers: Chambers has previously stated that homosexuality is something that “is bad for you”.Chambers has also stated that Sharia law should be implemented in the United Kingdom and has called for the ‘stoning to death’ of adulterers.
Abdullah Hakim Quick: Another renowned Jew hater who has called for homosexuals to be killed as it states in Shariah law. Quick called for Muslims to cleanse the lands of the filthy kafir. He fell foul of New Zealand authorities with anti gay aids related TV broadcasts.
Jalal Ibn Saeed is an American lecturer who has been resident in the UK since the early 1990s. He is a regular speaker on the university Islamic society and Islamic centre lecture circuit. He is closely associated with the Islamist-front group IERA. Saeed has made anti-semitic statements in the past and also voiced his support for the Taliban
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