Wednesday, January 21, 2015

UK plea to imams to fight “extremism” draws charge of “Islamophobia”

Two thousand Muslims from Britain have joined the Islamic State to wage jihad, but Mohammed Rafiq Sehgal, president of the Bradford Council for Mosques, is outraged, outraged, that Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has dared to ask Muslim communities to do more to stop young Muslims from becoming “radicalized.”
 It’s to “pick on Muslims and blame them for the activities of terrorists
Given the abject state of Subjugated Britannia, he will probably get one. But in any case, notice the deflection: instead of complying with the request and working freely and willingly with law enforcement to root jihadis out of Muslim communities in Britain, Mohammed Rafiq Sehgal is acting as if the very request is offensive. 
And what will happen if he gets his apology?
 He will have set the precedent that the government cannot and must not ask Muslims in the country to do anything serious about jihad terrorism. And so the jihad will continue to advance. That seems to be the larger goal.
More on this story. “Bradford mosques leader demands apology over terror letter,” by Jo Winrow,Telegraph & Argus, January 19, 2015 (thanks to Block Ness):

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