Thursday, January 22, 2015

British Islamist who stabbed football fan in the head with a pen skips bail and joins Islamic State in Syria

  • Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, skipped bail before he could be given 36-week jail term
  • Was due to be sentenced for attacking a football fan in London's West End 
  • Instead fled to Syria to join ISIS and posted gun-toting pictures on Twitter
  • Has also contemplated on Twitter his plans to destroy his British passport
Abu Rahin Aziz, 32 (pictured), from Luton, skipped bail before he was handed a 36-week jail sentence in absence for attacking a football fan in London's West End. He has since fled to Syria to join ISIS
Abu Rahin Aziz, 32 (pictured), from Luton, skipped bail before he was handed a 36-week jail sentence in absence for attacking a football fan in London's West End. He has since fled to Syria to join ISIS
A radical Islamist who stabbed a football fan in the head with a pen has skipped bail and fled Britain to join ISIS in Syria.

Abu Rahin Aziz, 32, from Luton, skipped bail before he was handed a 36-week jail sentence in absence for attacking a football fan in London's West End.

He told his followers on Twitter that he 'stabbed a kafir [non-believer] in the back of a head (sic) with a pen in London for insulting  Mohammed.'

The former credit control operator, who is an associate of the radical cleric Anjem Choudary, has since posted a picture of himself dressed in a military vest and posing with an AK-47 rifle.

He was once part of a radical hate group called Muslims against Crusaders, who set fire to a large poppy on Armistice Day in 2010.

The group also reportedly targeted Andrew White, who had been watching the League Two play-off final, before chanting 'f*** the Queen' after allegedly assaulting him.

On Saturday, Aziz contemplated on Twitter which method he would use to destroy his British passport, confirming his intention not to return to the UK.

He wrote: 'Still deciding to what to do with my British passport, could burn it, flush it down the toilet.'

It is unclear whether he took his wife and two children with him when he fled via Amsterdam to Turkey and crossed over the Syrian-Turkish border.

The jihadist also posted a photograph of himself and Dr Mirza Tariq Ali, 38, captioned: 'This is us breaking our bail conditions being together in UK.'

The photo shows the two bearded radicals, dressed in matching white thobes and pakol hats.

Dr Mirza Tariq Ali, a former NHS surgeon, fled the UK in 2013, after he was arrested for repeatedly assaulting a bystander at a rally.

He fled to Pakistan, only recently emerging to announce he had become a senior member of the Pakistani Taliban. In a recruitment video released late last year, he appeared and urged other Muslims to travel to Pakistan and join the terror group.

Aziz, who also refers to himself as Abu Abdullah al-Britani, boasted how Ali had been arrested because he 'smash (sic) the head of a filthy shia' in London.

The news of Aziz joining Islamic State comes after another of Anjem Choudary's associates fled to Syria in November last year.

Siddhartha Dhar, who converted from Hinduism to Islam, posted a photo of himself holding an AK 47 rifle and his newborn baby in Islamic State territory.

The jihadist also posted a photograph of himself and Dr Mirza Tariq Ali, 38, on Twitter which was captioned: 'This is us breaking our bail conditions being together in UK.' Ali, a former NHS surgeon, fled the UK in 2013
The jihadist also posted a photograph of himself and Dr Mirza Tariq Ali, 38, on Twitter which was captioned: 'This is us breaking our bail conditions being together in UK.' Ali, a former NHS surgeon, fled the UK in 2013
Aziz, who also refers to himself as Abu Abdullah al-Britani, boasted how Dr Ali had been arrested because he 'smash (sic) the head of a filthy shia' in London. He said he had stabbed someone in the back of the head
Aziz, who also refers to himself as Abu Abdullah al-Britani, boasted how Dr Ali had been arrested because he 'smash (sic) the head of a filthy shia' in London. He said he had stabbed someone in the back of the head
Aziz, a former credit control operator, also contemplated on Twitter which method he would use to destroy his British passport, confirming his intention not to return to the UK. He suggested he could 'burn or flush it'
Aziz, a former credit control operator, also contemplated on Twitter which method he would use to destroy his British passport, confirming his intention not to return to the UK. He suggested he could 'burn or flush it'

Also known as Abu Rumaysah, Dhar had been made to hand over his travel documents to police, in an attempt to prevent him from leaving the country.

Less than 24 hours after he was released on bail, Dhar took a bus to Paris with his wife and four young children. He travelled on to Syria before joining Islamic State.

The Londoner said: 'What a shoddy security system Britain must have to allow me to breeze through Europe to the Islamic State.'

Dhar, 31, was one of nine men who were held under suspicion due to their alleged links with Anjem Choudary and the banned radical group, al-Muhajiroun, in September.

Like Aziz, Dhar was close friends with Ali, and said how he was 'delighted my dear brother' had fled Britain and joined the Pakistani Taliban.

In an interview just a couple of weeks before his escape to Syria, Dhar publicly stated how he was desperate to live under Islamic State and wanted to denounce his British citizenship.

Prior to fleeing to Syria, Dhar had previously posted several tweets, proclaiming his love for ISIS, writing: 'The Islamic State will punish the tyrants in the West. The army of Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (ha) is coming. Rejoice O Muslims.'

He later boasted how he had made a 'mockery' of MI5, the British intelligence service: 'My Lord (Allah) made a mockery of British intelligence and surveillance. Make hijrah (flight) Muslims. Place your trust in Allah.'

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