Saturday, January 24, 2015

muslim who had sex with 13-year-old girl claims he thought it was a 'cultural norm' in UK

Zia Maroof
Migrant Zia Maroof Khail slept with a 13-year-old
Married father Zia Maroof Khail, 29, carefully groomed the victim and fooled her into believing they were “boyfriend and girlfriend”.
After spotting her in a park, he made repeated approaches and the first time they spoke he told her he loved her, Preston Crown Court heard.
Khail, originally from Afghanistan, persuaded her to meet him at his home twice a week, said Mark Lamberty, prosecuting.
He sexually abused her there, and had sex with her in an alleyway and at her own home.
“He was abusive to her if she refused to co-operate in sexual conduct,” Mr Lamberty added.
His sex crime came to light when the girl made a complaint about other men she said had abused her.
Police tracked Khail down using DNA evidence which matched his on a database at Colnbrook Immigration Centre, Heathrow, where he was waiting to be deported.
You groomed her and you used her shamefully
Judge Graham Knowles
He told officers he did not think he had done anything wrong because he was not aware of the “cultural norms” in Britain.
Khail was found guilty this week of four counts of sexual activity with a child and was sentenced to eight years’ jail and three further years free on licence.
He may also face deportation. In a statement, the victim's mother said her daughter had been left traumatised by her ordeal.
Judge Graham Knowles told Khail: “You groomed her and you used her shamefully.” He added that young girls were “entitled to be left alone with their thoughts, not groomed by men who want underage sex”.
Simon Mintz, defending, said Khail’s jail term would be “harder to bear” because of his lack of English. He added: “But bear it he must.”

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