Friday, February 06, 2015

British Army to recruit more Muslims in a bid to tackle Islamic extremists

The move is part of a broader campaigner to recruit more personnel from among women and ethnic minorities.
Currently more British Muslims are thought to have joined Islamic State as jihadis - about 600 - than serve in the Army - about 480.
But the Army hopes its recruitment drive will let it better represent the ethnic make-up of the country and fight a sense of exclusion in some parts of Britain’s ethnic communities.
The head of the Army, the chief of the general staff, General Sir Nicholas Carter, said: “My highest priority is ensuring we continue to have the best possible talent throughout our Army. This requires us to draw talent from all of the society we represent.
Diversity is one of our nation’s greatest strengths and it is only right that our Armed Forces benefit from that capital
Imam Asim Hafiz
“Our recruitment from the Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities has been improving over the years, but it is nowhere near where it needs to be. We have to do more.  
“The Army has always played an important role in making the connection to all elements of society and there are plenty of examples of initiatives that have built enduring relationships with minority communities.  
“The Values and Standards we espouse resonate closely with these communities and there is much common ground that we can build on to broaden our recruitment base.”
And the Islamic religious adviser to the head of the Armed Forces, Imam Asim Hafiz, said joining the British Armed Forces is “fully compatible with the values of Islam”.
He said: “Diversity is one of our nation’s greatest strengths and it is only right that our Armed Forces benefit from that capital. This not only brings them closer to the people that they serve, but also enhances the military’s cultural understanding when deployed.
“In my view, the values of the Armed Forces are fully compatible with the values of Islam as well as other faiths. Anybody wishing to pursue a career in the Services, Regular or Reserve and is prepared to work hard can be assured of a very rewarding experience.”
Women only account for 8.9 percent of the army
RAF soldiers in uniform. Women only account for 8.9 percent of the army
The move was welcomed by military veterans - but they warned that vetting will need to be rigorous.
In 2013 British soldier Lee Rigby was murdered on the streets of south London by two Islamic extremists.
In 2007 a plot by British Pakistanis in Birmingham to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier was foiled by the authorities.
And Intelligence chiefs have publicly warned of the dangers posed by battle-hardened, radicalised jihadis returning home from Iraq and Syria.
Colonel Richard Kemp, who commanded British forces in Afghanistan, said: “I would welcome more Muslims joining the Armed Forces and any branch of public service. It is important the Army reflects the make-up of society.
“The vast majority of Muslim are not involved in extremism but because a minority are there would have to be very careful security vetting to ensure we do not recruit people who could turn against us.”
Currently there are 480 Muslims in the Army - or 0.54 per cent of the 88,500 force.
Yet the 2011 census recorded nearly 2.8 million Muslims in the UK or 4.4 per cent of the population.
There are about 9,100 soldiers drawn from the Black Asian and Minority Ethnic population or BAME which accounts for just over 10 per cent of the force - though this figure includes troops from Commonwealth nations such as Fiji.

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