Saturday, February 07, 2015

Brother of Lee Rigby's killer praises Paris jihadis who killed 12 in Charlie Hebdo attack

  • Jeremiah Adebolajo, brother of Michael Adebolajo, praised Paris terrorists
  • His brother, along with Michael Adebowale, killed Drummer Lee Rigby
  • Jeremiah, 27, praised Said and Cherif Kouachi who killed 12 people  
The brother of one of soldier Lee Rigby's murderers has praised the terrorists who killed 12 people at magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

Jeremiah Adebolajo is the brother of Michael Adebolajo, 28, who with Michael Adebowale killed 25-year-old Drummer Rigby with a meat cleaver in Woolwich in 2013.

Jeremiah, 27, a Muslim convert, praised Said and Cherif Kouachi, who killed 11 magazine staff and a police officer.

He wrote on Twitter: 'Funeral prayer for Kouachi brothers at Turkey after today's Friday prayer. 'Nationalistic' Turks know Islam better.'

He was referring to a service held on Friday at the Fatih mosque in Istanbul, after Said Kouachi was laid to rest secretly in the French city of Rheims on Thursday night.

Adebolajo, from West London and believed to be teaching English in Saudi Arabia, added: 'No words can express the love & respect I feel for all the Muslims across the world who have come out to protest the defaming of Muhammad.'

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg suggested he might join the army if Britain invaded Israel. Adebolajo replied: 'I'd be the first to join. I think the whole Muslim world would join and the UK would find itself a major world power again.'

He also called himself 'brother of a mujahid [jihad warrior]'. He could not be contacted last night.

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