Monday, February 09, 2015

Man offers lift home to drunk and vomiting girl out celebrating her 18th birthday - then takes her home and rapes her

  • Rajedmiah Miah approached the teenager and offered to help her get home
  • But he pushed the girl, who was so drunk she was vomiting, into a taxi 
  • He took her to his home where he locked his bedroom door and raped her
  • It was the first time the girl had been allowed out in Newcastle city centre 
  • Girl had separated from her friends and was so drunk she was being sick 
  • Miah, of Elswick, was jailed for six years at Newcastle Crown Court 
Rajedmiah Miah masqueraded as a good Samaritan by offering a drunk girl help to get home after a night out, then snatched her from the street and raped her
Rajedmiah Miah masqueraded as a good Samaritan by offering a drunk girl help to get home after a night out, then snatched her from the street and raped her
A man masquerading as a good Samaritan by offering a drunk girl help to get home after a night out snatched her from the street and raped her.

The teenager had become separated from her friends in Newcastle while celebrating her 18th birthday, when Rajedmiah Miah approached her and offered to help her get home.

But instead he put the girl, who was so drunk that she was vomiting, into a taxi and took her to his home where he locked his bedroom door and raped her.

Newcastle Crown Court heard that the victim had been allowed to go out in to the city centre with friends for the first time to celebrate her birthday last September.

The group went to a number of bars but by 2am her friends had gone and she was left alone in the Pink Room nightclub, in Westmoreland Road, Newcastle.

A group of other girls started speaking to her and told a doorman they were concerned about the state she was in.

Prosecutor Jonathan Devlin said: 'The doorman spoke to her and he said she was very drunk and he was concerned for her safety but he thought she was with friends, rather than being alone.

'She then left the nightclub and walked away from the area and was approached by the defendant.

'She told him she had lost her friends and he said he would help her find her way home.'
Miah then hailed a taxi, which they got in.

She had no idea where they were going and was falling asleep in the cab, the court heard.
When they got to Miah's home in the west end of Newcastle, he helped her out and shepherded her into his shared house.

Mr Devlin said: 'She was scared and didn't want to go in.

'He took her upstairs, went in his room, locked the door and pushed her onto his single bed.
'Others in the house heard her screaming and she banged on the wall.

'The defendant grabbed her by the arms, put his hand roughly over her mouth and raped her.
'Afterwards she began to hit him with her shoes.'

Other people in the house saw her in a distressed state and tried to comfort her but she was hysterical and ran out.

A man passing by came to her aid and took her to West Road police station to report what had happened.
Mr Devlin said: 'It must have been clear to the defendant that she was very drunk. She vomited at least twice in his presence.

'Because of her intoxication she was particularly vulnerable.
'In hailing the taxi and taking her to his home, there was a limited amount of abduction and detention.'

Miah, of Elswick, Newcastle pleaded guilty to rape and was jailed for six years and told he must sign the sex offender register for life.

Judge John Evans told him: 'The victim, who had just turned 18, was celebrating her birthday and, perhaps not used to drinking a lot of alcohol, she found herself alone at the end of the evening and not in the best condition to find her way home.

'You encountered her on the streets and took the clearest advantage of her. 

'All of that without any regard for the fact that you were not using contraceptives or for her expressed desire for you to stop what you were doing.

'As she has said to the police, this is a night that is likely to haunt her for some time.

Caroline Goodwin, defending, said Miah initially approached the girl looking to help but then took advantage of her state.

Miss Goodwin said: 'His intentions initially were good but I'm afraid what happened in the house completely and utterly changed that.

'This was a dreadful set of circumstances and he is remorseful and has found the whole experience quite shocking.

'He recognises what he did was utterly wrong and he should have known better.

As Miah was jailed for six years, a court heard the teenager fears she will be haunted by memories of her 18th birthday for the rest of her life.

Prosecutor Jonathan Devlin said: 'The victim says she has been left emotionally devastated by the offence.
'She says the memory of her 18th birthday will haunt her for the rest of her life.' 

After the case, Det Insp Sharon Chatterton, of Northumbria Police's public protection unit, said: 'Miah took advantage of a vulnerable woman he had pretended to help but instead took her to an address where he then raped her.

'I'd like to praise the victim for her courage and bravery throughout what was been an incredibly difficult time for her and I hope the sentence passed today, and the fact Miah is behind bars where he belongs, means she can move forward with her life.

'We would always encourage victims to come forward and speak to us.'

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