Monday, February 02, 2015

Sexism row as Channel 4 News presenter Cathy Newman is turned away from mosque 'despite being respectfully dressed' on community outreach day

  • Cathy Newman says she was ushered out of a mosque in Streatham
  • The presenter later received a 'warm welcome' from another one nearby 
  • Mosques across the country are opening their doors to the public today
  • Organised by the Muslim Council of Britain to show people how they run
  • A South London Islamic Centre spokesman apologised and has vowed to review procedures
Presenter Cathy Newman says she was ushered out of the door of a mosque in Streatham, in south London
Presenter Cathy Newman says she was ushered out of the door of a mosque in Streatham, in south London
A Channel 4 news presenter said she was ejected from a London mosque yesterday despite being 'respectfully dressed' when she tried to make an open day visit.

Cathy Newman turned up for the British Muslim Council's Visit My Mosque day, but was stunned to be ushered back into the street.

A number of mosques around the country participated in the open day event yesterday.

In the wake of the terror attacks by Islamic gunmen in Paris last month, it was held to provide an insight into the running of centres of worship and to allow people to ask questions about Islam. 

Miss Newman later reported receiving a 'warm welcome' from another mosque nearby in Streatham, South London.

The journalist detailed the incident on Twitter, writing: 'Well I just visited Streatham mosque for #VisitMyMosque day and was surprised to find myself ushered out of the door. 

'I was respectfully dressed, head covering and no shoes but a man ushered me back onto the street. I said I was there for #VisitMyMosque but it made no difference.'

Miss Newman was later given tea and cake at the Hyderi Islamic Centre. 

Esmat Jeraj, a managing trustee at the centre, claimed the problem was caused by Miss Newman turning up at a mosque which wasn't taking part in the open day event. 

She told MailOnline: 'She was always supposed to come to our centre. She had been sent to the wrong mosque.

'When she arrived they weren't expecting any guests. It wasn't because she was a woman, but because they weren't operating any open door policy that day. 

They weren't expecting any visitors or holding any services either, I think.

Once she arrived at our centre we gave her a cup of tea and had a chat. We apologised for the incident and clarified that she not should base that as an example of Islam.' 

A spokesman for the South London Islamic Centre apologised for the incident and vowed to review their procedures. 

Visit My Mosque Day, organised by The Muslim Council of Britain, is a nationwide event, where a number of mosques across the country are opening their doors to the general public. 

Participating mosques aimed to provide an insight into the day-to-day running of a busy centre of worship and answer questions about Islam. 

On a Muslim Council of Britain website, it said: 'Members of the community are there to get to know one another better and some may be on hand to answer questions about Muslims and Islam where this is possible.

She tweeted that she was 'respectfully dressed' but still ushered out onto the street by a man at the mosque
She tweeted that she was 'respectfully dressed' but still ushered out onto the street by a man at the mosque
'Local mosques will also be inviting inter-faith leaders as well, and all will be invited to come together to demonstrate unity and solidarity during what has been a tense time for faith communities.' 

Ms Jeraj added: 'In our centre, we had both men and women actively participating. 
'The event was a really positive action that allowed members of our community and people from all over to interact with British Muslims and develop stronger community ties.' 

Ms Newman's comments quickly sparked debate on Twitter.

Former MP Louise Mensch said: 'Giant misogynistic fail of #VisitMyMosque, @MuslimCouncil, shutting @cathynewman out. Statement?' 

A spokesman for the South London Islamic Centre told MailOnline: 'We were sorry to hear that Channel 4's Cathy Newman was allegedly 'ushered out' of our mosque and Islamic centre. 

'That is certainly not our policy, and we have a track record of welcoming people to our mosque, and we are members of Interfaith. 

'We do not know who did this, and we will review our procedures. Our mosque has always had both men and women worshippers.'

He added: 'The South London Islamic Centre has held in the past, and will continue to hold open days. 

'As a small mosque it is voluntarily manned over the weekend. Normally we would have taken part in the Muslim Council of Britain's 'Visit My Mosque’ day but on this occasion no one was available to man the event, even though we would dearly have loved to. 

'With longer notice, we hope to take part in the future. In the meantime, we would extend an open invitation to Ms Newman, and anyone else. We are a small institution, but nevertheless one that welcomes our guests.' 

Ms Newman says she was turned away from Streatham Mosque, also known as South London Islamic Centre, pictured, on Mitcham Lane
Ms Newman says she was turned away from Streatham Mosque, also known as South London Islamic Centre, pictured, on Mitcham Lane
Ms Newman later received a 'warm welcome' at the Hyderi Centre, pictured, on Estreham Road, where she enjoyed tea and cake with other visitors
Ms Newman later received a 'warm welcome' at the Hyderi Centre, pictured, on Estreham Road, where she enjoyed tea and cake with other visitors

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