That leaves only one other possible explanation: the police sought the names of those who bought Charlie Hebdo intending to target them in some way — place them on a list of potential “Islamophobes,” or put them under surveillance, or do something, whatever it may have been, to harass them for exercising their freedom of speech in a way that offended Muslims.
Sharia Britannia Update: “UK police force apologises for taking details of Charlie Hebdo readers,” by Josh Halliday, the Guardian, February 9, 2015
A police force has been forced to apologise after an officer visited a newsagents and asked for the details of all customers who bought French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in the wake of the Paris massacre.
An officer from Wiltshire Police visited a local shop and post office in Wiltshire, and requested the personal details of subscribers to the Charlie Hebdo magazine.
It came following the terrorist attack on the magazine's offices on January 7, in which 12 members of staff were gunned down by extremist brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi.
A Wiltshire Police officer visited a small newsagents and post office in Wiltshire and requested the personal details of all subscribers to the Charlie Hebdo magazine (pictured), which was the subject of a terrorist attack
Wiltshire Police has now apologised for the incident and said the officer's motivation was 'purely around enhancing public safety'. The force said that information obtained during the visit had been 'disposed of'
The pair launched an attack on the headquarters while staff were in a meeting to discuss its forthcoming issue.
A further four hostages were killed by conspirator Amedy Coulibaly at a Jewish supermarket in the French capital two days later.
The deaths prompted outrage across the world, with newspapers carrying provocative cartoons in tribute to those killed.
Several British distributors clamoured for copies to sell as demand for Charlie Hebdo reached unprecedented levels around the world.
However, while the outpouring of support for Charlie Hebdo engulfed Europe, one officer visited the small Wiltshire newsagents to request details of those who purchased the souvenir issue of the satirical magazine.
Anne Keat, 77, was among those who ordered a copy of the publication following the tragedy and whose name was given to police by the newsagent.
She had placed an order for one copy of the £3.50 magazine, alongside three other people.
Anne Keat, 77, was among those who ordered a copy of the publication and said she was 'baffled' by police wanting the names of those who bought it
After collecting the controversial magazine, she said she was baffled to find that police had been to the store and asked for details of everyone who ordered a copy.
The retired ward sister said: 'I never thought I was going to get a copy. I was very happy with it.
'I went into the newsagent last Friday and he told me the police had been in asking for details.
'I thought the newsagent was playing a joke on me - an early April fools.
'[The police] haven't followed through on it. They should have better things to do. Why are they spending resources on this kind of thing? I was a bit miffed.'
Ms Keat, from Wiltshire, said she does not know who the other three people are, but will continue to use her local newsagent - blaming the police instead.
Wiltshire Police has since apologised for the incident which occurred on January 30.
In a statement, the force said the officer's motivation was 'purely around enhancing public safety' and confirmed any information obtained during the visit had since been 'securely disposed of'.
The force said: 'Following the terrorism incident in Paris, France on 7 January 2015, Wiltshire Police undertook an assessment of community tensions across the county.
'As part of this work, local sector policing teams were asked to be mindful of business premises, in particular newsagents who may be distributing the Charlie Hebdo magazine and to consider that these shops may be vulnerable.
'There was no specific threat nationally and nothing to suggest newsagents in particular would be vulnerable.
'A police officer visited a local shop and post office to make an assessment of community tensions and, if appropriate, encourage the newsagent's owner to be vigilant.
'During this conversation the officer requested information about subscribers to the Charlie Hebdo magazine.
Twelve people were killed when gunmen (pictured) stormed the office of Charlie Hebdo in Paris on January 7
The Paris massacre led to an outpouring of support around the world, including the 'Je Suis Charlie' message
'Wiltshire Police would like to apologise to the members of public who may be affected by this. Information relating to this specific incident has been permanently and securely disposed of.
'Wiltshire Police are confident that the police officer's intention was purely around enhancing public safety and ensuring that the newsagent was advised appropriately.'
Angus Macpherson, Police and Crime Commissioner for Wiltshire and Swindon, described the situation as 'unfortunate'.
He said: 'The public should be reassured that Wiltshire Police tasked officers across the county to assess community tensions in the aftermath of the shootings in Paris.
'It is unfortunate that an officer - no doubt acting with the best of intentions - requested details from a newsagent of customers who had bought Charlie Hebdo magazine.
'I am reassured that the force have taken the right action and permanently and securely disposed of the information gathered.
'I am satisfied that there was no intention on the part of the force to seek to inhibit the circulation of Charlie Hebdo.'F
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