Islamic apologists and western elites blame “charismatic recruiters” who are “brainwashing” Muslims. Let me ask you something: could any leader convince you to behead, rape, enslave and slaughter?
UK Police Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe warned: “Today’s terrorist may …. very well also be a lone disaffected youth radicalised by extremist material on his home computer.” Disaffected “doctors,” “lawyers,” “prep school” and “private school students” radicalized by “extremist material”? Extremist material like what — the Qur’an? Hadith? Sira?
There are no lone wolves in the jihad war. There are millions of Muslim soldiers all over the world all following the same playbook – the Quran – and the same ideology – Islam.
No matter how many times the nonsense is disproved, they trot out the well-worn disaffected myth.
Apparently this entire family was …. disaffected. What insulting hogwash. It’s religious fervor. Pious slaughter in the cause of Islam.
“Three British sisters feared to have gone to Syria to join brother,” By Tom Whitehead, The Telegraph, 15 Jun 2015
The sisters and their children, aged between three and 15, were due back in the UK on Thursday
Why have you taken our grandchildren to a warzone? 'Devastated' parents of Bradford sisters who fled to Syria criticise their daughters' actions
The courts should step in when it is feared parents could take their children to join ISIS, a former senior prosecutor has claimed as Home Secretary Theresa May sent out a warning to anyone tempted to join extremists
Nazir Afzal, who led the CPS in north-west England from 2011 until earlier this year, said both the state and Muslim communities need to pay more attention to the issue.
Mr Afzal said: 'The international community has judged rightly that Iraq and Syria are unsafe areas. Therefore if a child is at risk of being taken there we should, if necessary resort to law to prevent them being taken.'
Mr Afzal said this could include proceedings to make children wards of court being brought in appropriate cases.
Mr Afzal suggested court proceedings could also be used to stop those thought to be at risk of taking children from applying for travel documents.
'It's the basic principle in UK law that the welfare of the child is paramount,' he said.
Nazir Afzal (left) has called for family courts to step in when it is feared families may be planning to join ISIS while Home Secretary Theresa May (right) said children suffer a 'life of war, famine and hardship'
Mr Afzal was also critical of Muslim leaders, saying: 'The propaganda that ISIS is delivering needs a more robust and continuing response from these leaders in order to minimise its impact on families.'
Home Secretary Theresa May later appealed to any Britons considering joining extremists, telling them: 'Do not travel.'
The Home Secretary said authorities are seeing what they are up against 'time and again'.
Mrs May was addressing more than 100 senior police representatives at an event to discuss the terrorist threat hosted by the Metropolitan Police.
She concluded by saying she wanted to 'issue a direct message to those British men and women who are thinking about travelling to fight and live in Syria and Iraq'.
'I know you've been told that fighting for Isil represents a glorious cause,' she said. 'I know you've heard that Syria offers your family a new way of life.
'Yes, I recognise that some of you may have been tempted by these messages on social media, the internet and elsewhere.
'But to you I say this: travelling to Syria and Iraq is dangerous. You will be putting your life and the lives of your families at serious risk.
'You will be subjecting yourselves and your children to a life of war, famine and hardship.
'You will be travelling to a place where there are none of the freedoms and opportunities which you have enjoyed in this country. There is no democracy, no rule of law.
'If you travel, you reject these freedoms. You turn your back on your families and your communities and instead you embrace hatred, intolerance and brutality.'
Three sisters who fled to join Isis with their nine children 'used benefits cash to fund their trip and are still being paid hundreds every month by taxpayers'
Read more:
UK terror police 'radicalised and groomed our ISIS runaway wives': Husbands blame security services for women fleeing to Syria with their nine children
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