Saturday, August 29, 2015

Father-of-five set up bogus Facebook profile to charm young women into having affairs

A FATHER-OF-FIVE set up a bogus Facebook profile to charm young women into having affairs with him, Bradford Crown Court heard.
Ansar Mahmood, 40, posed as an Oxford University psychology graduate in breach of a Sexual Offences Prevention Order for pretending to be a doctor to ask 'female patients' depraved questions.
Mahmood, of Ellercroft Road, Lidget Green, Bradford, was jailed for five months in 2010 for making a series of nuisance phone calls to women by posing as their doctor to discuss sexual matters.
At that time, he was made the subject of a lifelong Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) by Bradford and Keighley Magistrates Court and ordered to register with the police as a sex offender.
Yesterday, he appeared before Bradford Crown Court after pleading guilty to breaching the order by using the alias Qasim Ali to pose on Facebook as the Oxbridge graduate.
The magistrates sent him to the crown court for sentence.
Prosecutor John Bull said that Mahmood failed to notify the authorities that he was using a different name.
He was arrested in October last year when a young woman he had charmed on the social media site contacted the police when he pestered her after the relationship ended.

Mr Bull said the victim duped by Mahmood got pregnant by him but lost the baby.
The court heard that Mahmood's wife was expecting their fifth child at about the same time he was in the relationship with the other woman.
Mahmood had just one previous conviction, when he was imprisoned after posing as a doctor to ask the women gynaecological questions, the court heard.
Howard Shaw, Mahmood's barrister, said his client had undergone surgery and was in a great deal of pain.
He was awaiting a second operation but the date had been postponed because of the court case.
Mahmood also had mental health problems and was suffering from depression.
The Recorder of Bradford, Judge Roger Thomas QC, said Mahmood was jailed five years ago for "pretty nasty and devious behaviour."
"You then set up the Facebook page in a different name in the teeth of the earlier court order," he said.
Mahmood charmed a young Asian woman into a six month affair but she reported him to the police after he pestered her when it ended.
Judge Thomas said he suspected Mahmood was "not depressed but depraved."
But the probation service said they could work with him on a long-term basis.
Mahmood was sentenced to a three year community order with supervision and a high level activity requirement.
The Sexual Offences Prevention Order remains in place.

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