The moment when displaced people became so angered by their miserable migrant lives, they decided to take it out on the women of Cologne.
The head of police said there was a relaxed atmosphere, and the New Year’s Eve celebrations passed off peacefully.
Yet there were two rapes, 100 attacks on women, and gangs 1,000-strong harassing and thieving from others. And still we are not supposed to talk about it.
Attacks: Hundreds of people gathered in front of Cologne's main railway station on New Year's Eve (pictured) before disorder broke out and groups of 'Arab or North African' men attacked dozens of white women
One of the victims, identified only as Katja L, told the Kölner Express: 'When we came out of the station, we were very surprised by the group we met, which was made up only of foreign men…We walked through the group of men, there was a tunnel through them, we walked through…I was groped everywhere.
'It was a nightmare. Although we shouted and hit them, the men didn’t stop. I was horrified and I think I was touched around 100 times over the 200 metres.'
Eight days after all this happened, I am not allowed to say these were migrant gangs with no respect for white women.
The BBC will only say these were men of North African or Arab appearance, a line fed to them by the German authorities.
In time they will say race was not the issue. Just as the police did in Rochdale before the mass grooming of white kids was finally revealed. By nine Asian men.
We are still supposed to buy into the big multicultural ideal which dictates we should welcome migrants with open arms, blow whistles and applaud them as they descend from trains with their iPhones and expectations.
Brave: One of the first victims to speak out about the Cologne New Year's Eve attacks, an 18-year-old named Michelle (pictured left), described being surrounded by a group of 30 'angry' men who groped her. Another victim, known only as Jenny (right), was left with horrific burns after a firework was shoved into her hoodie
We should offer our kitchens and bedrooms to these displaced peoples and cry at pictures of bodies washed ashore when they don't make it over winter seas they should never have crossed.
How is that going, Saint Geldof? Do you have a family in your second home?
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown? Do you have a family of fifteen in your spare room as you said you would when you wept live on radio?
No, I thought not.
We need to face up to some hard truths.
Cologne is a small case study for scenarios playing out all over Europe. It is a story repeated at Calais, across Germany and into France. And in African and Arabic countries where sexual violence is the norm.
White women are nothing to some Islamic and Arabic men. It's the reason our girls were abused in Rochdale and Oxford and the reason white German women were raped in Cologne
White women are nothing to some Islamic and Arabic men. It's the reason our girls were abused in Rochdale and Oxford and the reason white German women were raped in Cologne.
They see us as white trash. And we are no longer safe. These migrants are a cultural time-bomb, brought up in a different era, Islamic Bernard Mannings — incompatible with modern life.
The Mayor of Cologne blames the women.
She says German women should cover up, keep men at arm’s length and think about wearing something over our heads. She may as well just say 'buy a burka' and be done with it.
She says German women should cover up, keep men at arm’s length and think about wearing something over our heads. She may as well just say 'buy a burka' and be done with it.
The Guardian feminazis are caught in a monumentally difficult place, their usual outrage over victim-blaming for rape kicked quietly into touch so that they can tiptoe quietly around the issue of race and culture.
And in this difficult space, in the pressure cooker of Europe, things are on a knife edge.
As borders are sealed, people are contained into ever-tighter spaces, news is suppressed and truths are locked down.
There is no air left for even the screams of assaulted German girls to be heard in their own country where the Merkel government has ruthlessly managed coverage of its catastrophic decision to let in a million migrants at a stroke.
A group of men (not suspects in the attacks) set off fireworks during the New Year celebrations in Cologne
This could be the moment when everything simmering beneath the surface finally erupts into violence on an unprecedented scale.
This could be the day we say it all started: New Year’s Eve 2015.
Brussels cancelled their fireworks. Paris cancelled theirs, too. France deployed 60,000 troops nationwide and London cancelled all leave for armed personnel and deployed them on our streets.
And the police forces of Cologne lied about the violence in their city, said the night passed off peacefully and later blamed the women for their rape.
Europe turned on its own and the medieval instincts of a migrant culture won.
Perhaps we will look back in 2016 and acknowledge this was the moment when civil war in Europe became a real possibility.
Migrants will rise up from the jungle of filth and squalor, bolstered by evil extremists imported for the fight. And on other side patriots will defend whatever is left of their pride in the country they once loved.
I stand with the women of Cologne. And I will continue to fight to defend the country I used to call home.
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