“Aamer Anwar said the threats came from individuals who have taken issue with his call for Muslims of all backgrounds and denominations to stand up together against Islamic extremism.”
This is why we don’t see more genuine Muslim reformers.
“Islamic extremist [sic] issue death threats against Scotland’s top human rights lawyer,” by Karin Goodwin, Herald Scotland, April 2, 2016:
SCOTLAND’s leading human rights lawyer has received death threats from Islamic extremists over his calls for unity within the country’s Muslim community.Though unable to give details due to an ongoing police investigation, Aamer Anwar said the threats came from individuals who have taken issue with his call for Muslims of all backgrounds and denominations to stand up together against Islamic extremism.Anwar said he did not wish to go into ‘the specifics’ of the threats against him, but said he “presumed” they came from Islamic extremists.Anwar’s call for unity followed terror attacks around the world including in Brussels and Lahore, as well as the killing of Asad Shah, a Scottish member of the minority Ahmadi sect within Islam.Divisions which have opened up in recent months between would-be reformers of the Glasgow Central Mosque (GCM), including Anwar, and its more conservative leaders, were put aside on Thursday when they shared a public platform with leaders of the Ahmadi community in a public show of unity.The event, largely brokered by Anwar with support from Police Scotland and other community leaders, took place against the backdrop of allegations that GCM leaders had links with Islamic extremists – which they have vehemently denied….
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