Monday, October 23, 2017

British Muslims say Islamic Law Allows Right to Kill Anyone who Insults Muhammad

What a revolting state of affairs Islams' infiltration of Western societies is. It should be painfully obvious to anyone with a 3rd grade education that they don't come to integrate, rather they come to be ingrates - trying to recreate the backwards shitholes they come from

while benefiting off the labors and industriousness of the societies they seek to destroy. ------- Actually, a really stupid, illogical plan --- but what else would you expect? And the irony of course being that our Western ideals are allowing this to happen in history's greatest catch-22 - That is; Western nations' tolerance for the intolerant. People are rightfully fearful, confused, and angry as hell as this filth enters into their space with nothing but disdain and at the corrupt, soulless politicians who've enabled this situation to occur.

If there is any ray of hope in this mind numbingly ridiculous farce of PC forced suicide, it is that Trump was elected, and this represents a huge number of people standing up and saying NO to all this liberal enabled bullshit.

Like his persona or not, with regards to this situation he's been so much more forthright than the other so-called leaders, which is REAL leadership.

Geert Wilders seems to be cut from the same clothe, I hope we see him and others like him rise as desire for real freedom grows, freedom to speak the truth - not nanny state fascist faux freedom which seeks to blot out truth by power of government and replace it with a liberal fantasy world, which values emotion over logic, recognizes no good or bad and attempts to level everything - crippling logic, innovation, and advancement.

Hopefully lovers of real freedom from all over the world come together to drive back this retrograde force of ignorance, hate, and pre-enlightenment superstition.

Yes I'm referring to both the strange bedfellows of Islam and liberalism here.

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