Tuesday, October 24, 2017

England bans its flag to avoid potentially offending Muslims on St George's Day

Government officials in Bristol claimed that their city is too 'multicultural' to celebrate St. George's Day.
The council claimed that flying the flag could be seen as offensive and 'racist' to non-English people. 

As Paul Joseph Watson points out in his newest video, England is anything but racist and intolerant. It's just the opposite. 

Back a few years ago, a town straight up banned the cross because it could have offended the town's 16 (yes, just 16) Muslim residents. 

Watson provides numerous examples of white middle-class leftists getting offended on the behalf of Muslims. The bigotry of low expectations is a common theme here. 

And just wait until you see how a Muslim community leader reacted when asked if he found the English flag to be offensive! 

Absolutely absurd. 

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