Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Jayda appeals for Donald Trump's help "Britain enforces sharia blasphemy law"

British police officially became a Sharia police - British politician arrested for criticizing Islam in public. 
Freedom of speech is under attack in Britain. 
Britain First leader Arrested on charges of "Islamophobia" over an anti-terror speech - Sharia blasphemy law in Britain 
Sharia blasphemy law Is being implemented in the UK, for this to happen in modern Britain is shocking. 
The brutal persecution of right-wing politicians by police in Britain has reached a new low. 
If you want to hear what she said about Islam watch the video at the end of this post

The Western world ignores the cruel persecution of Christians in the Muslim world. Where are all the human rights organizations of the UN? Where are all human rights organizations in the West? 
Please pray for the Christian minorities in the Muslim world.
Liberals and leftists in the West use the made up term "Islamophobia" to portray anyone who criticizes Islam as a "racist". 
They ignore the fact that Islam is an ideology that has nothing to do with race. 
There is an attempt in the West to impose a sharia-blasphemy law to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
It started when Saudi Arabia and Muslim countries tried to pass a UN resolution to force Western states to criminalize criticism of Islam. 
The Parliament in Canada passed "Motion M-103" to condemn the so-called "Islamophobia (Fear of Islam)" in a preparation for a blasphemy law in Canada. 
According to the sharia blasphemy law anyone who criticizes Islam or the Prophet Muhammad should be killed. 
Under Sharia blasphemy law in Saudi Arabia and Iran Muslims are executed if they are accused of blasphemy. 
In Pakistan, the situation is even worse, radical Muslims use the blasphemy law to persecute the Christian minority. 
Is this the law the liberals in the West want to adopt? 
If you think Sharia blasphemy law has no place in the West, share this post!

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