Friday, August 21, 2020

Jihadi’s sister practiced knife fights with him as he prepared jihad massacre, is spared jail

“Her desire to marry a boyfriend she had met at college caused a row with her father and brother who called her a ‘kaffir [infidel] pig’ for adopting Western values.”
She may have been trying to make up for that indiscretion and prove her Islamic loyalty. In any case, she walks. Could it be because once again, British authorities are anxious to appease their restive Muslim community? If she had been the sister of a “right-wing extremist” who helped him practice for a terror attack, do you think she would have been spared jail?
“Jihadist’s sister who practised knife fights with brother as he plotted London terror attack spared jail,” by Duncan Gardham, Sky News, August 19, 2020:
A woman who practised knife fights with her jihadist brother as he plotted a terrorist attack has been spared jail after a judge said she acted out of “misguided loyalty”.
Sneha Chowdhury claimed that she did not believe her brother when he told her he was “serious” about launching an attack in London.
The 26-year-old teaching student was given a two-year suspended sentence after being found guilty of failing to inform police about an imminent attack, with the judge accepting she had been the subject of controlling behaviour.
Her brother, former Uber driver Mohiussunnath Chowdhury, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years last month after planning a gun, knife and van massacre in the capital.
Undercover police officers were deployed and discovered that he was planning a knife and gun attack on a Gay Pride march from an open top bus, with the help of another prisoner who was soon to be released.
He also bragged about deceiving an Old Bailey jury which cleared him of a sword attack on police outside Buckingham Palace in August 2017.
Sneha Chowdhury did not know what he was planning but MI5 had bugged the family home in Luton, Bedfordshire, and picked up conversations in which her brother practised knife fighting in front of her.
In one conversation, Mohiussunnath Chowdhury said he was giving in his notice that day at SFC Peri Peri chicken takeaway in Luton, adding: “I’m doing another attack bruv.”
His sister told him: “Bro you’re just having a down day today init. That’s what it is.”
But Mohiussunnath Chowdhury insisted: “No I’m serious bro, it’s about time now.”
Five days later, on 25 June last year, Mohiussunnath Chowdhury was picked up on listening devices asking his sister to delete his number in her phone and get rid of any WhatsApp and text messages….
Her desire to marry a boyfriend she had met at college caused a row with her father and brother who called her a “kaffir [infidel] pig” for adopting Western values.
A jury found her guilty after audio probes picked up a series of conversations in which her brother discussed fighting and decapitation.
After the arrests, police found a kitchen knife under the mattress in Mohiussunnath Chowdhury’s bedroom and slash marks to a canvas wardrobe where he had practised his technique….
An audio probe first picked up Mohiussunnath Chowdhury practising with wooden “bokken” swords that he had bought using his sister’s Amazon account on 16 March last year.
He was heard saying: “You want to fight in the garden? Let’s fight here, real quick. Just let’s say you do an actual strike, where would you actually aim? If I was running up to a person, what I would do is, I’d run up, hold the blade like that and then I would stab like that. I would stab it straight into there.”
On 27 April, in the family house, Mohiussunnath Chowdhury told her he had made new friends at the local mosque and was “radicalising them”.
He was recorded telling his sister the same day: “I can’t train properly, I’m sorry to say. I need a dojo [gym]. Keep prying eyes [away] bro. You know what prying eyes are?
“I need to practise decapitation techniques and, you know what I mean, you can’t do it in the garden.”
In another conversation that MI5 picked up on 3 June in Sneha’s car, Mohiussunnath Chowdhury threatened to “take the heads off” police if they raided the family home….
Mohiussunnath Chowdhury told his mother and sister: “I was shook man, I thought they came for me. I thought because I am watching bare terrorist s*** on the internet init.
“I was getting knife out for that bro straight over. I was getting ready to take off heads.”…

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