Friday, August 21, 2020

'Positive discrimination' pledge on jobs by Birmingham's new chief executive

A "Rooney rule", used to positively discriminate in favour of job applicants from Black and Asian backgrounds, is set to be introduced by Birmingham City Council.
The move, designed to address the council's historic failure to reflect the diversity of the city when recruiting, particularly to top jobs, would be a first step, said new chief executive Chris Naylor.
"We don't need another review - we know we have a problem," said Mr Naylor.
"We have had people working in good faith on this...but it's obviously not working.
"We have tried balanced interview panels, blind-name recruitment, bias training - all are important but they are not sufficient.
"So we are actively exploring a 'Rooney rule' type arrangement in the city council" - a move that guarantees ethnic minority representation on job shortlists.
He added: "People may flinch at that, and say 'I'm not sure we should be undertaking positive discrimination'.
"In response I'd say this. Look at FTSE 100 companies. There are more FTSE chief executives called Steve than there are women or people of colour.
"If any positive discrimination is going on, it's in favour of blokes called Steve. We need to work out how Steve always gets the job, and not women and not people of colour. We then need to address those questions inside the council."
He added: "We will get it wrong, absolutely, and we will get it right, but throughout that process we will have an open dialogue and be as transparent as possible about how those numbers are shifting."

What is a "Rooney rule" and how does it support race equality and opportunity in the workplace?

The Rooney Rule was introduced in American football in 2003, designed then to require league teams to interview ethnic minority candidates for head coaching and other senior roles. It is an example of affirmative action, designed to support opportunity for under represented groups.
It had an immediate impact, with the number of Black and other ethnic minority head coaches in the NFL rising from 6% to 22% in two seasons. However, that's not been sustained.
The concept has though been taken up by other organisations and adapted. Facebook and Pinterest are among those who have their own form of Rooney rule in place.
Naylor, freshly arrived on a one year secondment to the city while the hunt for a permanent chief executive goes on, has pledged to work with activists and city organisations on the issue.
A recent BirminghamLive probe shone a light on the lack of diversity in the city's corridors of power.
Young Birmingham City Council employee Atif Ali got the ball rolling by pointing out that all 12 of the top jobs at the council are held by white people, and the next tier of leadership was similarly dominated by white officers.
In all positions, around a quarter of employees are of black, Asian or other minority ethnic origin.
We then highlighted how other city organisations - including the city's health leadership and the organising committee for the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games - were also mainly white-led, despite the city having around half a million people of black and Asian origin.
Equality advocates have said they are "sick and tired" of having the same conversations and hearing the same promises of action, without appearing to see much change.
It's a point not lost on Naylor, who has stepped willingly into the heart of the issue and says his 'virtual' door is open to council workers and campaigners past and present who can open up about their experiences.
"A lot of this rests on whether people believe us this time.
"I'm not going to win trust by sending out a memo from another middle aged white man at the top of an organisation - though it's important to do that, I need to convince people that this time it's worth them investing their personal energy and hopes in all of this.
"I am meeting people who are cautiously optimistic, people who are very optimistic and running towards me at 1000 miles an hour, and others who are really angry. 
"I am not trying to dress this up.
"The Covid pandemic, alongside Black Lives Matter, not dissimilar to the Me Too movement, has revealed issues that have been hidden in plain sight for too long."
He has pledged to continue to listen to employees about their "lived experiences", for as long as it takes.
On the wider issue of ethnicity representation at the top of organisations across the city - including in the public sector, private companies and media organisations like this one - Naylor says there can be "no excuses."
But he also illustrated his perception that the cohort of people now filling many of the top roles in the city and nationally "who have the right sort of heft and experience to be chief executives" were educated in 1980s and 1990s.
"To some extent what we see today is an echo of discrimination and lack of opportunity that many BAME people and women experienced 25 to 30 years ago.
"That's not an excuse. To be an exemplar city we need to go hunting around the country for the best people. Equally I can see the profound frustration of people of, say, south Asian staff working for the council who've lived in the city all their lives, are passionate about it, hungry for change, who are not having the chance to get to the top of the organisation.
"There are probably two dozen future chief executives in the council right now. They might not believe it, they might not trust they can do that here, so my job is to show the art of the possible and that this organisation will be on their side.
"What I care about is how we ensure people can thrive here and, over the medium term, we see those numbers change."

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