Thursday, February 09, 2006

Galloway in new outrage

GEORGE Galloway, the shamed Celebrity Big Brother contestant and MP, has shocked the country again - by saying he wants to twin his east London constituency with a hotbed of Arab militant activity.
Guesting on an LBC radio phone-in programme, 'Gorgeous' George said that twinning Tower Hamlets with Jenin - a Palestinian city that contains a huge refugee camp - would be good for his constituents on 'judgement day'.
Jenin was the centre of the Arab uprising before World War Two. The city saw the birth of the organisation that eventually spawned Hamas - the terror group that recently took power in Palestine.
Galloway said one of the things he would do if he won control of the council in the local elections in May was "twinning Tower Hamlets with Jenin".
When asked how this would help his constituents, he said: "It will help their soul, it will help them on judgement day, that they did something noble."
Whether or not Galloway's Respect party has a chance in the local elections has become a big debating point since he appeared on Big Brother.
He embarrassed himself in the house in front of millions of TV viewers by - among other things - pretending to be a cat lapping milk from actress Rula Lenska's hand and dancing in a skin-tight leotard.

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