Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bakri: "I advise my students not to mix with British society"

Longtime readers of Jihad Watch will recall that the former leader of Al-Muhajiroun, a jihadist group in Britain, is prone to making inflammatory statements. He is now in Lebanon, and he hasn't changed.
It would be interesting to see the moderate Muslim leaders who profess loyalty to the British crown respond to this on Islamic grounds. But they almost certainly won't.
"Interview with the Controversial Omar Bakri: Extremist Bakri: 'I advise my students not to mix with British society,'" from
Asharq Alawsat,

Q) Do you still adhere to your previous fatwas, in particular concerning the condemnation of Muslims informing authorities of terrorist activity?
A) Providing the British or US police or any other security services of nonbelievers with information on Muslims, whether they are mujahideen who fight for the sake of God or ordinary Muslims, is forbidden from the Islamic Shariah perspective. It is a major act of disbelief and he who commits this is considered a dissident of Islam, because it falls within the framework of supporting disbelievers over Muslims.

Q) Do you think about going back to the United Kingdom?
A) No. I do not think about that unless Britain renounces its terror laws through which it is terrorizing Muslims under the pretext of fighting terrorism. It is religiously prohibited for people like me to return to the United Kingdom, because this would fall within the framework of offering oneself as captive. Islam prohibits Muslims from allowing themselves to become captives of nonbelievers.

Q) What is your advice to the British Muslim youth and to your students who are far away from you?
A) I advise the British Muslim youth in general and my dear students in particular not to mix with the ignorant British society and not to isolate themselves from people. They must actively preach the word of God; promote virtue and prevent vice; publicly reveal God's orders; stay away from nonbelievers and their customs, practices, and laws; and adhere to the teachings of the Quran and of Prophet Mohammed by understanding the goodness of our ancestors.

Q) Does the notion of "Londonstan" still exist?
A) I believe that one day honest Muslims in the United Kingdom will, God willing, turn it into "Islamistan," like what the first Muslims did in Eritrea and Indonesia. The great dream of Islam will come true. Muslims dream to see flags that read: "There is no god but Allah" fluttering in the wind on top of Big Ben and the House of Commons, God willing.

1 comment:

A Free Man said...

Yeah, you know, I don't mind if they refuse to mix with me, I don't want to mix with them either, in fact I would be thrilled if they all went back home to where they belong!