Reality TV. (Hat tip: The Nordish Portal.)
The point of the article is another veiled threat; do what we want or suffer more terrorism. The technique bears an amazing resemblance to a Mafia extortion racket.
The release of today’s video statement from Shehzad Tanweer appears to confirm the widespread view that the four 7/7 bombers had indeed been radicalised by aspects of our country’s foreign policy and participation in the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq.
One hopes that this will serve to lift the sense of denial in parts of the government about the link between the 7/7 bombings and its policies overseas.
From reading the comments, though, it looks as if more Brits are beginning to stand up against this sly support for terrorism.
You loathsome little creep. You may not openly come out in support of terrorism, but you share all of their aims, don’t you? These terrorists are extremely useful for snake-oil salesmen like Bunglawala. They plant the bombs while he tut-tuts — before offering himself up as the voice of "moderation", with whom the government can deal. Problem is, he’s just as loopy as Tanweer and Mohammad Sidique Khan.
In a comment of his own, Bunglawala discusses how much fun he had watching LGF’s reaction to receiving a death threat from someone who works with him at Reuters Canary Wharf:
Inayat July 6, 2006 09:46 PM
London/gbr NickDavid: ‘Another worrying blog on Inayat. Inayat - please reassure your opponents that this isn’t true. Link... ’
Yes, that is not true either! Although, it was fun to see how some Islamophobes including the disgustingly racist/rabidly pro-Israel Little Green Footballs website worked themselves all into a lather about it. What was the outcome of their campaign? Strangely, the LGF has not updated its readers about hwat happened next. I wonder why.
There hasn’t been an update about the Reuters incident because it’s now in the hands of Scotland Yard. Perhaps Bunglawala is hinting around that he had something to do with this?
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