Saturday, August 19, 2006

Interview with a jihadist preacher

Watch this CNN video of an interview with a jihadist cleric, a convert to Islam, in Britain. Note that the voiceovers, without presenting any evidence, tell us that his views would be repugnant to the vast majority of Muslims, and say that he "tries" to justify violence by invoking the Qur'an -- with the clear implication, again without any evidence, that the Qur'an doesn't actually teach what Abu Abdullah says it teaches. Whoever put this video together is dogmatically convinced that Islam is a religion of peace, and no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to change his mind.
Why does this matter? Because it's false. And false analysis cannot lead to correct policy. The West's misapprehensions about Islam have led it to a number of blunders already. No doubt there will be many more.
Anyway, note also Abu Abdullah's complete identification with Muslims as "my people," despite his so obvious Englishness. His Islam has entirely effaced his ties to his family, his country, and his heritage


Voyager said...

A threat to the world

Stephen Schwartz

With the foiling of the alleged conspiracy by radical Islamists to devastate transatlantic air travel — at the height of the US–UK tourist season — Britain has emerged, a little more than a year after the London Tube bombings, as the apparent main target for jihadist terror in Europe.

This has little to do with British policies, poverty, discrimination or Islamophobia. Simply put, a million or more Sunnis of Pakistani background, who comprise the main element among British Asian Muslims, also include the largest contingent of radical Muslims in Europe. Their jihadist sympathies embody an imported ideology, organised through mosques and

Voyager said...

Voyager said...

Abu Abdullah - has a criminal conviction under his English name.

Since the govt allowed imams access to prisons quite a lot of criminals have see the advantages of Islam..............what i don't comprehend is that they tell us these terrorists aren't true "Muslims" but since you cannot leave Islam how can they not be ?

And if they are not, why do we spend £750.000 on a mosque for them in Belmarsh ?