Friday, October 06, 2006

No place for Sharia law in the UK: Top Tory

Anti-dhimmitude in Britain, which will surely be met with the usual outcry, and accusations of racism and Islamophobia. From Leeds Today: "Extremists must respect all faiths"
Extremist Muslims must respect other people's religions and follow British law, a senior Conservative said.
David Davis, Shadow Home Secretary, said that a small minority of Muslims living in this country do not share traditional British values of mutual respect.
And he said that Sharia law is "not an option" for the UK, rejecting calls made by some extremists for the strict Islamic code, which includes death by stoning for adultary [sic] and death by burning for homosexuality, to be used in the UK.
Mr Davis spoke out at the Conservative Party conference in Bournemouth where he said the West Yorkshire suicide bombers who carried out the terrorist attacks in London, did not see themselves first as British.
He said: "The 7th July bombers were raised and educated in Britain.
"This country gave them the opportunities and prosperity they would not have enjoyed elsewhere.Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
"And yet they slaughtered 52 innocent people.
"They saw themselves as Muslims only; not as British Muslims.
"Sadly a small minority of Muslims share that view."
But how small? No one making this assertion is ever able to be specific.
He said the country needs to make sure that this minority is reconciled with the rest of the country
"The reconciliation I am talking about is more than just tolerance," he said. "It means drawing on the long British tradition of mutual respect.
"I respect your religion, you respect my religion and we both respect our laws. Sharia law is not an option in Britain.
"Freedom of religion is a fundamental right in a modern western democracy. But it must be practised in a way that respects the same rights of others. Freedom of speech is an ancient right in this country but it does not mean tolerating imams coming to this country to preach hatred of this country."

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