Thursday, February 08, 2007

Preacher held under Terrorism Act

A Muslim preacher has been arrested in east London over allegations of encouraging terrorism.
Abu Izzadeen was held by in Leyton High Road by counter-terrorism officers, Scotland Yard said.
He hit the headlines last September after heckling Home Secretary John Reid but it is understood the inquiry is related to a 2006 speech in Birmingham.
Mr Izzadeen is being held at a central London police station under Section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2006.
In September, Mr Izzadeen, who was born Trevor Brooks in London, interrupted Mr Reid's speech at the public meeting in Leytonstone.
Mr Reid asked Muslim parents to keep a close eye on their children and act if they suspected they were being radicalised by extremists.
Mr Izzadeen shouted out: "Shame on all of us for sitting down and listening to him."
He said he was "furious" about "state terrorism by British police" and accused the minister of being an "enemy" of Islam before being led from the building by police and stewards.
A second heckler, who also interrupted Mr Reid's speech, was ejected a few minutes later.

This is the speech that got him thrown in the clink

Raving and seething galore from British Islamist nutjob Anjem Choudary, on the arrest of his good buddy Abu Izzadeen. He calls Asgar Bukhari the Holocaust denier a "bootlicker" and an "apostate." Completely whacked out—and the craziest part is the respectful tone of the Sky News interviewer in the face of Choudary’s frothing lunacy

Abu Izzadeen has been remanded on conditional bail charged with a terrorism offence.

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