Wednesday, March 19, 2008



A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation found white people must do more to make Muslims feel part of the community

The report, for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, is a strike for multiculturalism, the doctrine which encourages the development of minorities.
Multiculturalism fell out of favour in 2005, after the Government's equality chief Trevor Phillips warned that the country was "sleepwalking to segregation".
Ministers have since called for the encouragement of "cohesion", including more teaching of English and an end to grants being handed to organisations from single ethnic and religious groups.

The study, based on interviews with 319 men and women, including 229 Muslims, found that the majority of interviewees had not experienced unfair treatment because of their colour or ethnicity.
Fewer than 50 per cent of minority members interviewed had experienced race prejudice and just 30 per cent of recent Muslim immigrants had experienced religious discrimination.

The report, produced by researchers from the Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, at Oxford University, found that: "A sense of belonging in Britain for all migrants, recent and established, was negatively affected by their perception of lack of acceptance in the UK.
"It is this perception of being unwelcome and of discrimination rather than attachment to their country of origin that diminishes a sense of belonging in British society, and there is thus a need to address public attitudes towards Muslims and towards migrants as a key component of cohesion strategy."

On ethnic enclaves, it said findings "challenge the assumption that residential clustering of people from particular ethnic or religious backgrounds is necessarily a barrier to social interaction across those boundaries".
The report added that perception of religious prejudice contributing to unfairness over employment, housing and services, had deepened among Muslims since 2001.
Linking anti-terrorist campaigns with efforts to encourage cohesion, it added, "risks stigmatising and alienating law-abiding Muslim communities".
But the Communities Department, which is charged with encouraging integration, distanced itself from the report.

It said policy involves a move away from funding single groups so that public money is spent on bringing communities together.
Rival think tank Civitas said it was "tendentious" of researchers to emphasise discrimination when a majority said they had experienced none.

1 comment:

English kaffir. said...

This kind of stupid reporting just clouds the fact that Islam is not a race, and the problem of Muslim assimilation in Britain is not one of race, but of whether or not the Muslims there are willing to set aside Islamic supremacism, renounce all attempts to impose Sharia by violent or peaceful means, and work energetically to root jihadists out of their communities. But there is none of that in this report -- the onus is all on the "whites" to make them feel at home. The idea that many of them might not wish to feel at home, but to transform Britain into a place that is very like the place where they left, as many of them have openly avowed, never enters into the equation.