Watch hate preacher on video
Yet, sickeningly, crazed cleric Anjem Choudary and his wife rake in more than £25,000 a year in welfare BENEFITS—while he plots to destroy British society.
Now Choudary —who once called for the Pope to be executed and described the September 11 hijackers as "magnificent martyrs" — could face arrest under anti-terror laws for his evil ranting on the tape, which was passed to the News of the World.
After hearing his latest inflammatory remarks, terror experts asked: "What more does this man need to do before he is locked up?"
Choudary, 41, was taped lecturing a secret meeting in west London earlier this month. On it he urges his Islamic followers to persuade would-be terrorists to sign up for killing campaigns.
The bearded mullah describes non-Muslims as "the enemy" and tells his sympathisers they should brainwash at least TEN Britons a month into becoming al-Qaeda supporters.
He also urges his clan to preach that:
FIGHTING jihad \ against Western society is an obligation.
BRITISH Muslims should travel abroad to fight our troops.
TERRORIST wannabes should "put fear into the hearts" of non-Muslims in the UK and spread al-Qaeda messages.
Choudray's lecture tour was launched with the aim of teaching Islamic extremist recruiting teams how to win new members and brainwash them into backing the mass-murdering terror group.
His speech was made days before Osama bin Laden's new video message warning Britain will soon be hit by new attacks.
Choudary says: "Even in the jihad you can see people carrying the dawah \ and inviting to Islam. The latest video from Sheikh Ayman al-Zawahiri \ was dawah, at the end of the day.
"Dawah and, obviously, putting fear into their hearts to say, look, no matter how many people you send in your army, it will not make a difference. We have enough land to bury the whole lot of them."
Choudary then claims that, by sheer weight of numbers, radicalised Muslims can make anti-terror laws obsolete. He brags: "So, your job is to create propaganda, our role here in Britain is vital.
"We undermine them, we undermine their ideology, we break their back." He adds: "If we carry on en masse, commanding good and forbidding evil, we say you and your laws can go to hell."
Born in south-east London of Pakistani parents, Choudary did well at school and by the early 1990s had become a solicitor and begun on the path to radical Islamic beliefs.
In 1996 he was a founder member of Al-Muhajiroun, the extremist sect which spawned, among others, the now exiled cleric Omar Bakri.
With Bakri, Choudary set about a campaign of overt extremism, leafleting mosques and using the internet to spread a message of hate.
He helped organise London protests in 2006 after a Danish cartoonist supposedly insulted the prophet Mohammed. Demonstrators dressed as suicide bombers carried banners proclaiming: "Behead those who insult Islam".
Choudary escaped with a £500 fine for failing to notify police of the rallybut the Al-Muajiroun group was later banned under the Terrorism Act.
Now our recording provides evidence the lunatic network remains active and is bent on expansion. Choudary reminds his fanatical followers: "Remember, our ultimate objective, apart from pleasing Allah, is domination of the sharia \ all over the world."
Experts believe Choudary's comments should see him prosecuted under tough new anti-terror incitement laws.
Tory MP Patrick Mercer said: "He's an extremely dangerous man. I've no doubt that he's part of the conveyor belt to terrorism and must be stopped."
Terrorism expert and author Neil Doyle said: "There is no doubt whatever this a rallying cry to would-be British terrorists.
"And this is the evidence from his own mouth. There's no doubt that the message he's preaching will eventually convince some impressionable people they should start planning 7/7-type atrocities.
"He's certainly becoming the most high-profile cheerleader for al-Qaeda in the UK."
When we spoke to Choudary he refused to discuss our recording but admitted he WAS on a recruitment drive.
He ranted: "I would like to recruit enough to turn the whole country into an Islamic state within a month...by tomorrow.
"You can put that down. I'm trying to recruit 5,000 a week."
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