Barot masterminded a radioactive bomb plot involving limousines packed with nails and explosives and Khyam plotted to blow up Bluewater shopping centre in Kent.

They said they were at risk from other inmates - who are predominantly white - and claimed the environment was "dangerous" to ethnic minority prisoners. It is thought they had received death threats and attacks.
Although their requests were initially turned down, Barot, who is serving a minium of 30 years, has since been moved to Belmarsh in south-east London.
Khyam has also been moved to Full Sutton near York.
But news of the transfers has sparked outrage, with the Prison Service being accused of caving into prisoners' demands.
Barot's solicitor Miss Mudassar Arani, asked if his client could be removed from Frankland prison after a fellow inmate threw boiling water and oil over him last July.
The 35-year-old suffered serious burns and spent a week in hospital.
Prisoner Gary Moody was charged with wounding and assault but the case was dropped when Barot refused to press charges.
Miss Arani said that Frankland was "an extremely dangerous environment for ethnic minority prisoners who now fear for their safety."
She added that Barot was one of 20 Muslims in the prison which held 734 inmates.
And she alleged there was a "white supremacist" culture at Frankland and called for the creation of Muslim-only prisons.
It is understood that Barot was originally housed in Belmarsh prison before being moved to Frankland for radicalising other inmates.
Hate preacher Abu Hamza, 49, and July 21 ringleader Muktar Said Ibrahim, 29, are also housed at Belmarsh.
After he was injured in the attack, she said he was treated like a normal prisoner and locked in his cell from 4pm until morning, despite needing support to do basic tasks, such as make a phone call.
Yesterday, a spokesman for her office said both Barot and Khyam had been transferred.
Khyam, who was sent to Frankland from Belmarsh last June, had also complained of death threats.
His solicitor Imran Khan said the move was a "victory for common sense". But Patrick Mercer, a Conservative MP, criticised the decision.
He said: "Prisons are not meant to be run for the convenience of the prisoner.
"It is not up to them to dictate how to serve their sentence.
"I think we have to remember who's in charge.
"These people have been convicted of hideous crimes."
A spokesman for the Prison Service refused to comment.
1 comment:
What in gods name is wrong with the powers that be. These men committed crimes against the country & state. Yet the powers that be cow down to there every whim. This is beyond belief, what is wrong with these people.
But it still makes you think one thing. If the people in the prison where to white, then that must only mean we have not got as many of these muslim crooks as we should have. That way they would not be in a prison that is to white. How on earth can the establishment be expected to set up different ethnic prisons. What are we going to have next, 20 white, 20 black, 20 Asian, 20 Chinese what is going on in the world at the moment, 20 Tibetan prisons.
I did not think that this PC government could get much worse or stupid in being PC. But it looks as if I was wrong, we now are getting a situation where prisons will be sorted out into ethnic groups. I can only say th9is one thing to all of this puerile stupidity by those who are supposed to be controlling & doing what should be good in this country. WHEN IN GODS NAME ARE THEY GOING TO GET OUT OF POWER & GET SOMEONE IN WHO WILL STAND FOR THE GENERAL POPULATION OF THIS COUNTRY & NOT FOR THAT SMALL 5% THAT THIS GOVERNMENT BOW DOWN TO.
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