Sunday, November 30, 2008

Islamic Cleric Praises Mumbai Massacre...

HATE preacher Anjem Choudary last night praised the slaughter of 300 people in Mumbai.

And in a vile rant he said any Brits killed had only themselves to blame for being on the “battlefield” in the war Muslims nuts are waging against the world.Extremist Choudary, 41, the right-hand man of exiled cleric Omar Bakri, 50, and former leader of banned hate group al-Muhajiroun, said the attacks were revenge for the West’s “crusades” against Islam.

Outspoken Choudary, whose family live on £25,000-a-year benefits in London, raged: “Any Britons or Americans who visit Muslim countries are entering a battlefield and risk being used as hostages by al-Qaida to publicise its cause.”He added: “The attacks bear all the hallmarks of a carefully planned al-Qaida operation as part of the global jihad against the crusades. “I would not be surprised if they release a video very soon.”

Mumbai-style massacre in Britain.

1 comment:

Always On Watch said...

Of course! The death cult revels in death.