Saturday, January 03, 2009

British Muslims fighting alongside Taliban, commanders claim

Military intelligence reports suggest that a small number of UK nationals are among the range of foreign fighters who regularly clash with British troops in Afghanistan.

British military sources have told The Daily Telegraph that they believe that some of those Britons have been killed fighting against their own country's forces.
The revelation comes amid growing concern among British military and intelligence officials about militants based in Pakistan launching attacks on British interests in Afghanistan and at home.

Foreign fighters enter Afghanistan from Pakistan's lawless border areas, home to the reconstituted al-Qaeda leadership.
British commanders in Helmand say that they have intelligence suggesting that British Muslims are among the enemies they face, albeit in small numbers.
"We're talking about ones and twos at a time," said one officer. "It's not big numbers, but they are there, definitely."
Some of those British Muslims may have been killed in battle with British troops, military sources said.
Confirmation is near-impossible, but British troop commanders believe that UK nationals are among the enemy dead.

One officer said: "We can't say for sure. If they don't carry passports, who can you say what nationality a corpse is? But it's a reasonable assumption that we've killed some of them."
Another security source highlighted the case of Rashid Rauf, the Birmingham man wanted by British police in connection with a 2006 plot to bomb transatlantic airliners.
Rauf is believed to have been killed inside Pakistan in a CIA missile attack in November. "He's not the only [British Muslim] to die out here," said the source.
In August, Brigadier Ed Butler, the former commander of UK forces in Afghanistan, told the Telegraph that there are "British passport holders" in the Taliban ranks.
And earlier this year, it was revealed that RAF Nimrod surveillance planes monitoring Taliban radio signals in Afghanistan had heard militants speaking with Yorkshire and Midlands accents.
The Ministry of Defence says it does not comment or give estimates for the number of enemy dead. But privately, British officers in Afghanistan estimate that several thousand Taliban fighters have been killed since 2006, among them the citizens of several foreign countries.
Foreign fighters entering Afghanistan from Pakistan are a significant component of the eclectic mix of enemy forces UK troops face.

Patrick Mercer, the chairman of the House of Commons sub-committee on counter-terrorism, said it was "to be expected" that British Muslims were among the enemy dead in Afghanistan.
He said: "The terrorist operations undertaken by British citizens at home and abroad shows the scale of British Muslims' involvement in extremism around the world.
"It should not come as a surprise that some of the enemy dead in Afghanistan can be traced back to the UK."

The ease with which al-Qaeda and its associated groups can operate along the Afghan-Pakistan border is causing growing concern in Whitehall.
In December Gordon Brown visited Islamabad and told Asif Ali Zardari, the Pakistani president, he must do more to stop militants operating in the border area and launching operations inside Afghanistan.
In particular, Mr Brown demanded more Pakistani action against the training camps set up by extremist groups inside Pakistan.
Several known British terrorists have passed through those camps. Mohammed Siddique Khan, the ringleader of the July 7, 2005 bomb attacks in London, trained at a Pakistani camp.
He went to the camp with the intention of passing into Afghanistan to fight against British forces there, but was persuaded to return to Britain instead.

International Jihadis are also said to be active inside Pakistan. Earlier this month Major General Tariq Khan, a senior Pakistani officer, said that over 300 foreign fighters are still operating in Pakistan's tribal region that borders Afghanistan.
British commanders and intelligence officers working in Afghanistan have largely abandoned the term "Taliban" in favour of the phrase "enemy forces."
They say the change in language reflects the diverse nature of the forces they face, which include local tribal fighters, Afghan nationalists, drug gangs and hired gunmen paid by the Taliban leadership.

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