Monday, January 05, 2009

Muslim's £16.7m bid for bank 'sex slur'

A MUSLIM bank worker is suing bosses for £16.7MILLION after they allegedly accused her of having sex with a client to boost her job hopes.

Mona Awad, 29, claims her manager at HBOS made the remark at a staff meeting.
She also alleges that a director said he would stop humiliating her in front of colleagues only if she had sex with him.

And she says another director hurled a string of lewd taunts, including a jibe that she could not “handle two men”.
Mrs Awad, a married corporate manager who left her £40,000-a-year job at the bank’s Nottingham offices in October, said: “It was a sexist culture in which staff were afraid to speak out.”

She accuses the bank and two former senior male managers of sex, race and religious discrimination.
A tribunal will start to hear her case this week.
If she wins, it will be the UK’s biggest sex discrimination payout.
Mrs Awad claims bosses called her fasting at Ramadan “ridiculous”.
And she alleges that a senior official, asked what he meant when inquiring whether she was an “active Muslim”, replied: “Do you carry bombs on trains?”

She claims HBOS offered no protection from the “bullying”, despite her complaints.
She added. “It is just a boys’ club. Neither director was sacked.”

The bank denies liability and both directors reject her claims.

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