Monday, August 03, 2009

Sponging Islamists Call for Queen's Prosecution...

FANATICS led by a sponging Islamic extremist enraged MPs yesterday by publicly demanding the Queen is prosecuted - for GENOCIDE.

Rabble-rouser Anjem Choudary's cohorts accused British troops of wiping out the civilian population in Afghanistan and said it was Her Majesty's fault because she is "the head of this country".

In an internet rant to fellow extremist Muslims, they declare: "She is the one who applauds her sons and daughters to go out and massacre hundreds and thousands of innocent people.

"Shouldn't she be tried for genocide and the extermination of a nation?" The fanatics insist: "Yes." Labour MP Andrew Dismore said of the shameful attack that appeared on a website linked to Choudary: "Never mind calling for the prosecution of the Queen.

"The Queen should prosecute HIM. It's about time he was busted."

Fellow MP Patrick Mercer - chairman of the Commons counter- terrorism sub-committee - branded it an "insult to our monarch."

The ex-soldier stormed: "We must recognise Mr Choudary's words for what they are - weapons being wielded by al-Qaeda and the Taliban.

"This is the next phase of an enemy operation in our country."

Cops are currently investigating Choudary, 42 - who is on benefits and is a pal of hate preacher Omar Bakri - for demanding gays be stoned to death.

Douglas Murray, of the Centre for Social Cohesion, said of the latest outrage: "It's especially offensive because the people behind it are living off handouts from the British taxpayer."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was the Soviet invasion that killed a million Afghans and the Americans have killed many but to say that our ill-equipped soldiers have massacred thousands of Afghans is a flight of fancy.

Mr Mercer’s assessment that Choudary's words are an "insult to our monarch", illustrates his amazing powers of deduction.

War and terrorism give power to politicians but surely Mr Mercer understands that in point of fact there is no terrorist organisation throughout the world called al-Qaeda. The most striking fact Jason Burke (authored, Al-Qaeda) hammers through time and again in his meticulous and very
comprehensive study is that "Al Qaeda" the so-called organised terrorist group does not exist.

It’s a fabrication of American neoconservatism.

Mr Choudary's rhetoric is insulting and offensive but the right to freedom of speech must prevail.

The words of Douglas Murray, Centre for Social Cohesion, demean all the poor British people that are genuinely dependent on poverty level benefits and those that are actually dying while on benefits.

The welfare system in this country is vastly overburden by the immigration policy. Foreigners that by hundreds of thousands come to our country to avail themselves of our welfare benefits.

If I had my way then all devoutly religious, extremist, benefit taking Muslims would be deported to some Islamic country because the people of this country strongly and rightly believe they don’t belong in a Christian country and that Islam must never ever be the future of England.

God save the Queen.