Friday, December 11, 2009

Muslim Gang Busted for Spree of Child Rapes...

Eight men are due in court this morning, charged in connection with a police investigation into alleged serious sexual offences in Rotherham.

The men were all arrested in March this year and had been on police bail until yesterday.

Following consultation with the Crown Prosecution Service, all eight were charged yesterday with a total of 18 sexual offences against four girls aged 13 to 17 years, and remanded in custody.
The men due before Rotherham magistrates this morning are:

Shazad Akbar, aged 22, of Shirecliffe Lane, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, charged with raping a woman aged over 16;
Adil Hussain, 20, of Nelson Street, Rotherham town centre, charged with raping a girl aged 13 to 15;
Saeed Hussain, 28, of Hatherley Road, Eastwood, Rotherham, charged with inciting a girl aged 13 to 15 to engage in sexual activity;
Shaizaad Hussain, 21, of Clough Road, Masborough, Rotherham, charged with two offences of raping a girl aged 13 to 15;
Mohsin Khan, 21, of Haworth Crescent, Moorgate, Rotherham, charged with four offences of raping a girl aged 13 to 15, and one offence of rape of a woman aged over 16;
Zafran Ramzan, 21, of Broom Grove, Broom, Rotherham, charged with three offences of rape of a woman aged over 16, and one offence of raping a girl aged 13 to 15;
Razwan Razaq, 29, of Oxford Street, Clifton, Rotherham, charged with two offences of rape of a girl aged 13 to 15;
Umar Razaq, 23, of Oxford Street, Clifton, Rotherham, charged with raping a woman aged over 16 and engaging in sexual activity with a girl aged 13 to 15.

A ninth man arrested was subsequently released without charge.

The despicable muslim Rape Jihad continues in Britain. Once again young, vulnerable white British girls are plundered like war booty by muslim men. For that is just what this girls are = war booty = as muslims continue their invasion and colonisation of Great Britain bringing with them their contempt for the Western world and it's indigenous people, culture and customs - particularly women and girls.

The government and social policies of multiculturalism and appeasement have given muslims a sense of entitlement to all things British - from sponging off taxpayer paid benefits to establishing no-go areas for white British to the rampant raping and beating of British women and children. Meanwhile the police and courts continue to coddle muslims whilst the media keeps muslim criminals identities frequently out of the front pages of national newspapers.

Search for muslim rape or rape jihad in the blogosphere - and the truth about muslim crime quickly becomes glaringly evident.

I (and many other bloggers) have written extensively about the muslim rape of British women and children - and yes -
even men.

British women pay high price for multiculturalism.

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