How far gone is Dhimmi Britannia? This far gone. Under pressure from Islamic supremacist and hard-Left agitation groups, the government bans counter-jihadists such as Pamela Geller androbert spencer from entering the country, but it isn’t just the government that is adopting a posture of abject submission before Islamic supremacism: this news item shows that the British people (like most of the American people) have internalized the idea that any negative word uttered about Sharia oppression and jihad violence is “racist,” “hateful” and “Islamophobic.” The Leftist and Islamic supremacist groups that have relentlessly pushed this idea over the last decade bear the responsibility for the wholesale destruction of British and American culture — but I doubt that that troubles them, as that was what they wanted to accomplish, anyway.
This is an Islamic phenomenon, and can only be stopped if it is confronted as such. Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law.
The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women haveasked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”
“North East England: Honour-Based Violence Unreported Due to Racism Fears,” by Ludovica Iaccino for theInternational Business Times, March 28, 2014 (thanks to Pamela Geller):
Honour-based violence and forced marriages in communities across the North East go unreported because victims are frightened of being branded as racist, a report by ITV News Tyne Tees has revealed.
Probably it isn’t the victims who are afraid of being branded “racist,” but those who report the crimes.
Honour-based violence is a form of domestic abuse which occurs when victims, mainly women, are punished, very often by their relatives, if they bring shame upon their families.Claire Phillipson from Wearside Women in Need said that while the number of people approaching her for help is alarming, what is more worrying is the number who are not.“I have no doubt that all over the North East [England] first, second, third generation English young women are being forced into marriage,” Phillipson said.“Schools and communities are keeping silent about it, because they are concerned that they would be called racist, islamophobic,” she continued. ”They don’t quite know where the line between culture, religion and human rights should be drawn.”According to Domestic Violence London, the abuse is not only perpetrated by men: “Sometimes female relatives will support, incite or assist” the organisation said.“It is also not unusual for younger relatives to be selected to undertake the abuse as a way to protect senior members of the family. Sometimes contract killers and bounty hunters will also be employed.”One of the women interviewed by ITV explained she had been sent from Pakistan to the UK in order to marry a man much older than her.“My family said they would kill me, they would shoot me. That’s what would happen, if I didn’t do it.“When I complained about it, my brother and sister tried to make me touch electrical sockets with wet hands, to electrocute me, and make it look like an accident,” the woman said.According to the Halo Project,there are approximately 12 reported honour killings per year in the United Kingdom.This does not take into account the many people who are taken abroad and whose whereabouts are unknown.Out of the 5000 honour killings that occur around the world each year, about 1000 happen in India and the same number take place in Pakistan, according to international digital resource centre Honour Based Violence Awareness (HBVA).
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