Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Brighton man repeatedly stabbed on his way to work

A man was repeatedly stabbed while walking to work early in the morning on Monday.
The victim, 39, was walking in Plaistow Close in Whitehawk when he was approached from behind by a stranger who struck him repeatedly in the side and then ran off at about 5.45am.
He fell to the ground and at first believed that he had been punched but then realised he was bleeding from the wound.
The victim was treated in hospital for minor wounds to his side before being released.
PC Aaron Halsey said: “This was a nasty attack in the middle of a residential area so people may have seen or heard it happen as they got up or prepared to go to work themselves.
“If you were in the area and know anything about what happened, please contact us.”
Police are keeping an open mind as to the motive behind the attack.
The attacker is described as Asian, in his late teens or early twenties and skinny. He had black hair and sucked in cheeks.
He was wearing a black hooded top, black skinny jeans and white trainers.
Anyone with information is asked to phone Sussex Police on 101, email 101@sussex.pnn.police.uk or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

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