Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Arrests Made Over Tower Hamlets Election

Police say they received 84 complaints over voting in Tower Hamlets but in most cases there was no evidence of a criminal offence.

Polling Station Generic
The alleged offences relate to the local and European elections on May 22

    two people have been arrested as part of a probe into alleged voting malpractice at elections in Tower Hamlets, east London.
A 38-year-old man was arrested on May 13 in connection with an allegation of potential false declarations on nomination forms.
A 24-year-old man was also arrested on June 3 on suspicion of conspiracy to defraud in relation to postal vote applications.
Police said there were eight ongoing investigations in Tower Hamlets relating to voting in the local and European elections on May 22.
"These refer to one allegation of failing to put a correct imprint on election literature; one of making a false statement about a candidate; four of false declarations on nomination papers; and two relating to postal voting," a police spokesman said.
Six further election-related offences are being investigated in other London boroughs, police said.
These relate to four allegations of false declarations on nomination papers, one allegation of bribery, and one of forgery.
A 33-year-old man was arrested in Enfield, north London, in connection with potential false declarations, while three more men were interviewed under caution.
All three men arrested were released pending further inquiries and are due back in custody in late June and mid July.
Police said they had posted an officer to each polling station in Tower Hamlets on May 22 and were now working on a "robust policing plan" for the borough's by-election on July 3.

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