Monday, June 09, 2014

Damning Ofsted report accuses Luton school of promoting fundamentalist Islam and having library books on stoning women

  • Report condemned Olive Tree Primary School in Luton, Berkshire
  • Accused of promoting Salafi ideals, which includes imposing Sharia law
  • Claimed it did not prepare children 'for life in modern Britain' 
  • Inspection was abandoned last week after parents complained 
  • Claims children as young as nine were being quizzed about homosexuality

A Muslim primary school has been heavily crictised by Oftsed because the library is said to contain books which advocate 'fundamentalist Islamic beliefs' and punishments under Sharia law, including stoning women. 

An inspection at Olive Tree Primary school in Luton, Bedfordshire, was abandoned last week after parents reacted angrily to inspectors quizzing their children about homosexuality. 

Now an unpublished report by the school's watchdog has condemned the school for promoting Salafi ideology and suggested it does not prepare its pupils 'for life in modern Britain, as opposed to life in a Muslim state.' 

Oftsed inspectors said books in the library at Olive Tree Primary School in Luton, Bedfordshire, contained books which advocated punishment under Sharia law, including the stoning of women

Oftsed inspectors said books in the library at Olive Tree Primary School in Luton, Bedfordshire, contained books which advocated punishment under Sharia law, including the stoning of women

Muslims involved in the Salafi movement promote Sharia law, the Islamisation of society and those who practice the ideology advocate jihad against civilians. 

According to The Guardian, the report said some of the content of the books were set 'firmly within a Saudi Arabian socio-religious context'. 

    It reads: 'Some of the views promoted by these books, for example stoning women, have no place in British society.' 

    Ofsted inspectors abandoned a review of the school last week after parents complained their children were being asked about homosexuality
    Ofsted inspectors abandoned a review of the school last week after parents complained their children were being asked about homosexuality
    Staff from the school denied the allegations, describing them as a 'complete fabrication', and said there were no books in the library that advocated extremist beliefs.

    Farasat Latif, the school's chair of govenors told the paper: 'We have a large number of books about different faiths, which inspectors failed to to notice, including The Diary of Ann Frank.' 

    An Ofsted spokesperson said, 'We have shared a draft copy of the inspection report in confidence with the school for factual accuracy checking as is our standard practice. 

    'The final report will be published shortly.'
    Last week, parents were said to be concerned that the Ofsted staff were discussing sex with the children, without their consent. 

    A scheduled meeting between parents and inspectors saw the appropriateness of the questioning raised and after discussions the inspectors withdrew from the school a day early.

    The news that inspectors withdrew from the school comes following reports a similar line of questioning was used on Muslim pupils into an investigation into schools in Birmingham over the alleged Trojan Horse plot. 

    The Trojan Horse plot involves the alleged ousting of headteachers, mainly in and around the Birmingham area, by Islamic extremists attempting to take over several schools in a bid to target vulnerable young people.

    Whistleblowers at Park View School in the city have claimed the school is in the hands of a group of extremists who infiltrated the governing body.

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