Saturday, June 07, 2014

Disabled Christian man attacked by Muslim thug in Burnley

A disabled man has slammed a Muslim (known as “Asian” in the UK PC press) thug who punched him in the face and tried to steal his mobile phone in broad 
daylight leaving him with a black eye. The attack occurred in the the Muslim-dominated area of Burnley.


Burnley Express (h/t Joe K)   Mr Brian Tomlinson (58) was walking across the park at Pit Top, Bank Hall, close to his Cobden Street home at 2pm last Friday when he was approached by a man who threatened him and demanded his mobile phone. When he refused to hand it over, the attacker punched Mr Tomlinson in the eye before turning and running away.

Mr Tomlinson, who had been advised to start walking by his doctor to improve his health, was on his first stroll when he was attacked. He said the assault had made him nervous of going out alone and particularly walking through the park. He said he also wanted to warn others to be on their guard.

“He gave me such a punch, he smashed my glasses and everything but I wasn’t going to give him my phone. He would be very lucky to get anything off me. I went out two days later with my wife, I didn’t want to walk across the park again. I was scared but I did it. There are a lot of old ladies who walk their dogs on the park, I just want them to be careful.”

The attacker is Asian, aged in his late teens or early 20s, of slim build and around 5ft. 7in. tall. He was wearing dark-coloured trousers, a dark hooded top and a scarf around his face. 

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