Monday, June 30, 2014


Yet another gang rape where the brutes responsible for the sickening attack are described as ‘Asian’ which 99% of the time the Asian sex fiends will not be Sikhs, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian or any other religion other than Muslims. Gang rapes are a trait often associated with Islamic rape jihad both in Muslim countries and also nations which have seen an influx of Muslim immigrants. It is not only females at risk of attack from these groups of sexual predators. Only a week ago, a male in Yorkshire fell victim to a group of homosexual rapists
    police are looking for ‘Asian men’ in silver car after 17-year-old victim who met up with a group of men earlier raised the alarm on Friday night
Google street view
Horrific: A teenage girl was savagely gang-raped by a group of men as she walked through a secluded nature spot

A teenage girl was savagely gang-raped by a group of men as she walked through a secluded nature spot.
The 17-year-old girl was attacked in woodland area in Slough yesterday evening after she began chatting with a group of men earlier in the day.
Thames Valley Police revealed the victim was walking towards the High Street when she met the men, described as Asian, and began talking to them.
She then walked off with one of them and went to an off licence before taking a footpath into nearby woods by Jubilee River.
As the pair made their way through the trees, four of the men who were part of the earlier group were lying in wait for the teen – who was then subjected to a brutal sexual attack.
The terrified girl then managed to raise the alarm at around 9pm and officers are now warning people to be careful when out on their own.
Police said specially trained officers were supporting the victim as the investigation continued and that extra patrols were in force.
Detective Insp Nicola Hurdley said: “We are still speaking with the girl at this time to get a full picture of what has happened, but what we do know is that while she was in this wooded area she has been raped by several of the men.
“Right now our investigation is focussed on identifying the men involved and gathering information about their whereabouts.
“I would like to speak to anyone who may have seen these men in the Chalvey area last night, around early evening, and who may have seen them driving around in a small silver car. All the men are described as being Asian.”
Anyone with information should call police on 101 or Crimestopers on 0800 555 111.

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