Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Retired teacher, 63, was held captive in bedsit for five months by abusive man who forced him to buy £22,000 sports car and even punished him for using the toilet

  • Mohammed Ballal, 42, terrorised victim Gerald Kennedy, 63, for five months
  • He subjected teacher to 'brutal and degrading' attacks at Lancashire bedsit
  • Mr Kennedy was kicked and punched in the stomach and between the legs
  • He eventually managed to flee and went to a friend in a 'distressed state'
  • Ballal pleaded guilty to fraud, false imprisonment and two assault offences
  • He was sentenced to four years and two months in prison at Preston court

Mohammed Ballal, 42, terrorised former teacher Gerald Kennedy, 63,  while holding him captive at a bedsit in Nelson, Lancashire for five months
Mohammed Ballal, 42, terrorised former teacher Gerald Kennedy, 63, while holding him captive at a bedsit in Nelson, Lancashire for five months
A retired teacher was held captive in a bedsit for five months by an abusive man who subjected him to ‘brutal and degrading’ attacks which included being punished for using the bathroom.

Mohammed Ballal, 42, also bullied 63-year-old Gerald Kennedy into buying a £22,000 sports car and demanded he transfer ownership of his home during the wave of abuse.

He terrorised Mr Kennedy at the ‘pokey’ bedsit in Nelson, Lancashire for months and throttled, punched and kicked him in the stomach and between the legs while holding him captive.

Preston Crown Court heard how the ‘distressed’ victim eventually managed to escape after months of horrific abuse and reported his captor to police.

Ballal today pleaded guilty to fraud, false imprisonment and two counts of assault and was sentenced to four years and two months in prison.

Prosecutor Paul McDonald said Ballal got to know his victim when a friend started drinking at the man’s house.

The court heard how Mr Kennedy was told by Ballal that he could avoid paying money on his mortgage by transferring his home to someone else.

Following the conversation, he was given five minutes to pack his bags and taken to a ‘pokey’ bedsit where he was told he would only have to stay there 10 days at the most.

But he ended up being held a prisoner there for five months by Ballal who forced his victim into acting as a ‘chauffeur and household lackey’.
    During his time at the bedsit, Ballal regularly assaulted Mr Kennedy over domestic issues, such as using the bathroom when he shouldn’t, and on one occasion shoved him to the ground and held a large piece of concrete over his head.

    In November last year, Ballal also kicked him twice in the chest and swung a punch at him after accusing him of lying.

    Mr McDonald said: ‘His life changed somewhat dramatically.

    ‘His freedom of movement was severely restricted by the defendant who used bullying and violence towards him to enforce his will.

    ‘He was hit at least once a day, usually for a minor ‘fault’ or trivial ‘complaint’. He became conditioned to accept it as a way of life.

    ‘The defendant seemed to enjoy administering such punishment.

    ‘He (Mr Kennedy) speaks of being throttled, punched in the stomach and neck, poked in the eye, punched in the face and kicked in the shins and between his legs.’

    Mr Kennedy eventually escaped from the bedsit and rushed to the home of a longstanding friend in a ‘distressed state’.

    Michael Blakey, defending, said Ballal showed remorse through his guilty pleas, sparing the victim the difficult ordeal of having to give evidence.

    He also told the court that Ballal was not the man who told Mr Kennedy to pack his bags and said others drove him away to the bedsit.

    ‘He was hit at least once a day, usually for a minor ‘fault’ or trivial ‘complaint’. He became conditioned to accept it as a way of life.'
    - Prosecutor Paul McDonald
    Mr Blakey said: ‘He is apologetic and he has learned his lesson.

    ‘He has had time to reflect upon his behaviour and recognises what he did was wrong.

    ‘He would like the man to know he apologises through me directly to him.

    ‘There will be no more offending as far as the defendant is concerned.’

    Judge Ian Leeming, QC, described Ballal’s behaviour as ‘disgraceful and brutal’.

    He said: ‘There was almost daily insults, degradations and frequent assaults. He had to do everything you demanded of him by way of service.’

    Ballal was also made the subject of a lifetime restraining order banning him from contacting his victim.
    Speaking after the case, Detective Constable Melissa Kelly said: ‘Mohammed Ballal controlled and manipulated his vulnerable victim over a five-month period.

    ‘He subjected him to horrendous physical and psychological abuse on a daily basis.

    ‘It is impossible to imagine the traumatic ordeal the victim faced at the hands of Ballal during this time.

    ‘I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the witnesses in this case for their willingness to stand up and give evidence.’

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